RE: RFC-2518 LOCK-TOKEN: header

Geoff Clemm writes:
>    ... the locking examples in section
>    8.10.8, 8.10.9, and 8.10.10 use the Authorization header in the request
>    message to highlight the fact that authentication credentials must be
>    supplied.
> Hmmm.  Specification by example ... leaving the reader to inductively
> derive the protocol from the examples.  (Note: this is intended
> to be friendly, amusing sarcasm, not bitter, vicious sarcasm :-).

Actually, the ambiguity here is intentional.  If you look at RFC 2068, the
one aspect that looks the most dated after just a few years is the Basic
authentication information.  Since Basic is not secure, and while Digest is
better, but still not perfect, we felt that hardwiring the WebDAV
specification to any particular authentication mechanism would be a poor
design.  In particular, we did not want to mandate use of the Authorization
header (we mandate *support* for Digest, but not *use* of Digest), since it
seemed quite reasonable that some connection-layer security mechanism might
be developed that would handle authentication.  If this happened, it would
cause people to ignore a requirement in the WebDAV spec. to use some other
authentication mechanism.

Furthermore, looking into the future we saw technologies like smart cards,
fingerprint readers, retinals scans, etc., all of which could change how
authentication was performed in the protocol.  It really seemed like a
losing proposition to tightly specify the kind of authentication that was
used.  That's why the requirement to have both authentication information,
and the lock token submitted, was phrased that way it is at the bottom of
section 7.6.  I'll grant you that, looking at this section with a critical
eye, the wording could be improved, but I'll defend not explicitly stating
we should use the Authorization header all the time.

> OK, I'll play along.  Then since the Authorization header is only used
> in the LOCK and UNLOCK examples, but never used in any of the
> (several) examples that specify the lock-token in an If header, a
> naive reader would conclude that authentication via the Authorization
> header is *not* required for use of the lock token, but rather only
> when creating (LOCK) and deleting (UNLOCK) a lock.

Thanks for playing! :-)  Actually, by my count there are only four examples
in the specification where the If header is use in a full HTTP request:

Section 7.6.1: This example clearly states that authentication was performed
in the transport layer (via some SSL-like technology that performs

Section 8.9.6: Also states the authentication was performed in the transport

Section 8.10.9: This example uses the Authorization header.

Section In this case, no mention is made of authentication,
primarily because it is being used to describe the use of the If header
itself.  But, since this is a COPY operation, and the lock token is being
submitted for the source resource, there actually is no need to provide
authentication information, since the state of the source isn't modified on
a copy.

> Yes.  And to emphasize, I am 100% in favor of authentication and ACL's,
> I just believe the ACL's should be on *resources* and not associated
> with lock tokens.

I agree that access control should be an orthogonal issue to locking.

> If a given principal is authorized to do something,
> it's client shouldn't have to pointlessly gather up lock tokens for use
> in an If header, since this provides no additional security.

Just to make sure we're violently agreeing, lock tokens shouldn't be used
for access control, but should be used for merge avoidance.  Furthermore,
submission of authentication information (different from access permissions)
with a lock token is important, since it allows the server to ensure that
only the principal that took out a lock is permitted to modify a locked

> What matters is that
> a client only uses lock-tokens that it has issued.

OR, if it uses lock tokens issued to other clients operated by the same
principal, it does so with full knowledge that it could be causing an
overwrite conflict. This presumably involves informing the user of this
behavior (although the user probably already knows they're about to
overwrite their own work).  One driving scenario for this was to make sure
that someone could work on a document at work, then go home, decide they
want to work on that same document from home, and be able to.  Sure their
application will tell them they're about to overwrite their work, but this
is OK. It's what they want to do.

> Alternatively, if clients aren't going to restrict themselves to using
> the lock tokens that they created via LOCK, but will grab any
> lock-token that was created by their principal, then there is no
> reason to have the complexity of lock-tokens in the protocol.

You need lock tokens to identify the lock.  If a lock disappears underneath
a client, and then another client (operated by the same principal) takes out
a lock on the resource, then without lock tokens, the first client wouldn't
know that it would cause an overwrite if it wrote to the locked resource.
Using lock tokens, the client will be informed that the lock token isn't
valid, even though the resource is locked, and by the same principal.

> Note: Overwrite protection is the only reason I've ever heard for a
> lock-token.  Perhaps there is some other reason I haven't heard yet?

There are no other reasons I can think of.

> Now there is a completely different question of how you deal with
> malicious or non-cooperating clients.  My answer would be with ACL's,
> since you need to keep the resource open for editing by trusted
> principals while closed to non-trusted principals.  Lock-tokens are
> totally irrelevant here.

This scheme would work, but has several drawbacks.

You either:
(a) Allow everyone in the write set to have access to the resource, and they
negotiate out-of-band to prevent overwrite conflicts.  But, since DAV allows
people to be widely geographically dispersed, perhaps over several time
zones, I don't think its reasonable to assume that people in the write set
will always have perfect information about what their collaborators are
doing.  As soon as the information is incomplete, it leads either to
overwrites, or the need to merge.

(b) Dynamically alter the write set.  So, if, before I start work, Jane,
Fred, and I have access to a resource, I'll change the ACL list so that only
I have access to the resource, and I'll persistently store that Jane and
Fred used to have write access.  I'll do my work, and then once I'm done,
I'll re-add Jane and Fred back.  But, what happens if my client crashes, and
loses this information? Or, what happens if I leave work in the middle of an
edit session, get ill overnight, and then don't come into work for two days?
Or, even worse, what happens if the ACls are set by some kind of
administrative policy, and I don't even have permission to change the ACL
list?  These drawbacks, combined with the fact that it conflates the issues
of overwrite avoidance with access permissions (two separate issues), are
why I don't like this approach.

> So to summarize my position:
> - Locking with lock tokens is a good thing, and provides merge avoidance
> for cooperating clients.


> - ACL's on resources is a good thing, and provides protection against
> malicious or unauthorized clients.


> - using locks to "fake" acl's on resources produces confusion, since
> a client doesn't know whether a lock is there to prevent merge avoidance
> (i.e. it shouldn't steal it), or is there to fake an ACL (it is
> welcome to steal it if you are the principal that requested the lock).

Agreed (I think - devil's in the details :-).

- Jim

Received on Friday, 28 January 2000 14:43:20 UTC