Re: Fun with Moves and Copy

Caught by the spam filter.

- Jim

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Phelps []
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 1999 12:52 PM
Subject: [Moderator Action] Re: Fun with Moves and Copy

Kevin Wiggen wrote
I am concerned by the Spec section 8.9.3 and 8.8.4

"If the resource exists at the destination and the Overwrite header is "T"
then prior to performing the move the server MUST perform a DELETE with
"Depth: infinity" on the destination resource."

Wow that's a STRONG statement.

In general I like how the WebDAV spec has turned out so far, but this clause
bothers me a whole lot.  I brought this topic up when the versioning group
had a meeting here in Orem and nobody could give me a good reason for the
requirement.  Implementing such dangerous behaviour in a commercial product
is a wonderful way to get in serious trouble with your customers.  I agree
that it should be removed.

If you perform a copy of a collection with the Overwrite header set to "T"
then individual files with identical URIs should be overwritten, but saying
that the target should be completely wiped clean before beginning the copy
operation is not a good idea.

Received on Thursday, 15 April 1999 17:55:11 UTC