Re: Client Option for Strong References

>I contend that the weak / strong distinction is orthogonal to the redirect /
>direct distinction, and that our decision to include direct references in
>the protocol should not push us to do anything about referential integrity.

I agree.

>What about backpointers? Can we introduce backpointers without implementing
>strong references?  The integrity of the backpointers has to be maintained
>in order for them to be useful at all.  But that's still a separate issue
>from strong references.  A server could maintain backpointers on target
>resources, but not attempt to insure that references are always valid.

I'd go further and say that whether or not a server maintains backpointers
should have no impact on the protocol used by the client to obtain
information on backpointers from the server.  How it is implemented by
the server does not in any way change the semantics exchanged between
the server and client.


Received on Thursday, 8 October 1998 19:15:13 UTC