RE: Docushare and WebDAV model

At 05:59 PM 8/10/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Would not references solve the problem? Your entire namespace is flat and
>your collections contain nothing but references.
>	Yaron

Yes, that could be done.  It would allow the documents and collections to be
presented.  Unfortunately edit operations would be something of a problem.
A generic WebDAV client would find it a difficult space to work with.  The
only place that documents can be created is in the collection representing
the flat set of documents.  The server would either have to disallow PUTing
(etc) of documents anywhere but in the proper directory, or else magic would
have to happen (accepting the PUT and then moving it and creating a
reference, or some such).

John Turner

Received on Thursday, 13 August 1998 22:06:06 UTC