Re: Internationalization Requirements

Yaron Goland wrote:
> A new version of the spec should be coming out after Munich that will
> provide significantly better support for compound documents. As for
> variants, the problem there is that we are forcing our way into server
> configuration and I do not believe that this is an appropriate area for
> us to stick our noses. Still, I think it would be great to see some
> proposals on how we could implement full variant support, we could then
> go to the server folk with it and see what they think.

Speaking as one of the "server folk", this sounds like a very sensible
suggestion. It seems to me that variant support can reasonably be
abstracted from most of the rest of server config, except, err, variant
support. The interesting question is one of efficiency - how does the
server know a resource varies without taking a double filesystem hit for
_every_ access? Well ... that's one of the interesting questions.



Ben Laurie                Phone: +44 (181) 994 6435  Email:
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Received on Friday, 8 August 1997 07:32:46 UTC