RE: Prelim. DAV spec.

>Should it be made explicit that it might be necessary to edit different
>representations of the same reource separately?
>[Yaron Goland]  This is causing a lot of confusion. So I have included the
>following definition:
"An entity included with a response that is subject to content
negotiation... There may exist multiple representations associated with
a particular response status." - [HTTP11] Each of these representations
is potentially subject to individual modification.
>> The key here is that we are not just talking about an entity, we are 
>> talking about a content negotiated entity. I have removed all references to
>> entity and replaced them with representation.
>You mean negotiable representation of a resource. I know I'm being pedantic
>but entities are parts of messages.
>[Yaron Goland]  You are being pedantic but you are also right. As Henrik
>pointed out, getting the language right is critical. If I make screw ups like
>the above in the document I hope you will point them out because then I can
>fix them.
>I think of merge as an asymmetric operation which does not produce a new
>resource (though a new version o an existing resource). To illustate, if A
>and B are tables with the same scheme, mergeing B into A replaces A with a
>table containing all relations present in either A or B. This would be
>different from a JOIN which would produce an entirely new table.
>[Yaron Goland]  This is an excellent point.
A merge is the process whereby a resource has information from other
resources folded into it. Merges can occur at the client or the server. 

Received on Thursday, 31 October 1996 17:48:13 UTC