W3C Public Newsletter, 2012-11-12

Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2012-11-12 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

Ian Jacobs, W3C Communications Team

Eleven SPARQL 1.1 Specifications Published

   08 November 2012 | Archive


   The SPARQL Working Group has today published a set of eleven
   documents, advancing most of SPARQL 1.1 to Proposed
   Recommendation. Building on the success of SPARQL 1.0, SPARQL
   1.1 is a full-featured standard system for working with RDF
   data, including a query/update language, two HTTP protocols
   (one full-featured, one using basic HTTP verbs), three result
   formats, and other features which allow SPARQL endpoints to be
   combined and work together. Most features of SPARQL 1.1 have
   already been implemented by a range of SPARQL suppliers, as
   shown in our table of implementations and test results.


   The Proposed Recommendations are:

    1. SPARQL 1.1 Overview - Overview of SPARQL 1.1 and the SPARQL
       1.1 documents
    2. SPARQL 1.1 Query Language - A query language for RDF data.
    3. SPARQL 1.1 Update - Specifies additions to the query
       language to allow clients to update stored data
    4. SPARQL 1.1 Query Results JSON Format - How to use JSON for
       SPARQL query results
    5. SPARQL 1.1 Query Results CSV and TSV Formats - How to use
       comma-separated values (CVS) and tab-separated values (TSV)
       for SPARQL query results
    6. SPARQL Query Results XML Format - How to use XML for SPARQL
       query results. (This contains only minor, editorial updates
       from SPARQL 1.0, and is actually a Proposed Edited
    7. SPARQL 1.1 Federated Query - an extension of the SPARQL 1.1
       Query Language for executing queries distributed over
       different SPARQL endpoints.
    8. SPARQL 1.1 Service Description - a method for discovering
       and a vocabulary for describing SPARQL services.

   The following are Candidate Recommendations, as the group still
   seeks more feedback from implementors:

    1. SPARQL 1.1 Entailment Regimes - defines the semantics of
       SPARQL queries under entailment regimes such as RDF Schema,
       OWL, or RIF.
    2. SPARQL 1.1 Protocol for RDF - A protocol defining means for
       conveying arbitrary SPARQL queries and update requests to a
       SPARQL service.
    3. SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol - As opposed to the
       full SPARQL protocol, this specification defines minimal
       means for managing RDF graph content directly via common
       HTTP operations.

   The group has also produced a test suite and a page on using
   SPARQL 1.1 with RDF 1.1. Learn more about the Semantic Web.


Mobile Web 1 Online Training Starts Today; Still Time to Register

   12 November 2012 | Archive


   A new edition of W3C Mobile Web 1: Best Practices online
   training starts today, and there is still time to register.
   Participants gain expertise in improving the Web user
   experience on mobile devices. This 6-week online training
   course (from 12 Nov. to 23 Dec. 2012), led by a mobile Web
   professional, lets you study at your own pace. The course is
   available in English or Spanish during the same period. Learn
   more about W3DevCampus, W3C's online training for developers.


W3C Launches Pointer Events Working Group

   09 November 2012 | Archive


   W3C announced today the launch of the Pointer Events Working
   Group. Web browsers can receive input in a variety of ways. A
   “pointer” is an abstract form of input that can be any point of
   contact on a input surface made by a mouse cursor, pen, finger,
   or multiple fingers. The mission of this group is to define a
   single unified event model for mouse, touch, and pen/tablet
   user interfaces. Enabling content creators to use a single
   model for different input types will make content creation more
   efficient and inclusive. See the Pointer Events Working Group
   Charter for more information.


Agenda, Papers Announced for Web and Automotive Workshop

   08 November 2012 | Archive


   [] W3C announced today the agenda and accepted papers for Shift
   into High Gear on the Web , W3C's first Web and Automotive
   Workshop, hosted by Intel Open Source Technology Center, in
   Rome, Italy on 14-15 November.


   People today enjoy applications and services from multiple
   networked devices. With our increasingly mobile lifestyles,
   it’s time to include the connected car in this mix.
   Participants in this workshop will share their own
   perspectives, requirements, and ideas to ensure that emerging
   global technology standards meet the needs of the Web and
   Automotive industries.

   The Workshop is also supported through sponsorships from QNX
   and Webinos.

Online Symposium: Text Customization for Readability

   06 November 2012 | Archive


   Registration is now open for the online symposium on Text
   Customization for Readability to be held on 19 November 2012.
   This symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, and
   users with disabilities to explore the needs of people with low
   vision, dyslexia, and other conditions and situations that
   impact reading. It focuses specifically on text customization
   requirements and functionality, that is, providing users the
   ability to change (or personalize) specific aspects of text
   display to improve readability for their particular needs. For
   details and registration, see Text Customization for
   Readability - Online Symposium. To share your perspectives on
   text customization for readability, see Invitation for short
   contributions. Learn more about the Web Accessibility
   Initiative (WAI).


CSS Grid Layout Draft Published

   06 November 2012 | Archive


   The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group has published a
   Working Draft of "CSS Grid Layout." Grid Layout contains
   features targeted at web application authors. The Grid can be
   used to achieve many different layouts. It excels at dividing
   up space for major regions of an application, or defining the
   relationship in terms of size, position, and layer between
   parts of a control built from HTML primitives. Like tables, the
   Grid enables an author to align elements into columns and rows,
   but unlike tables, the Grid doesn't have content structure, and
   thus enables a wide variety of layouts not possible with
   tables. In addition, the absence of content structure in the
   Grid helps to manage changes to layout by using fluid and
   source order independent layout techniques. By combining media
   queries with the CSS properties that control layout of the Grid
   and its children, authors can adapt their layout to changes in
   device form factors, orientation, and available space, without
   needing to alter the semantic nature of their content. Learn
   more about the Style Activity.


   More news: http://www.w3.org/News/archive


     * 2012-11-14 (14 NOV) – 2012-11-15 (15 NOV)
       Shift into High Gear on the Web: W3C Workshop on Web and
       Rome, Italy
       Hosted by Intel and Sponsored by Webinos
       W3C’s Open Web Platform (OWP) is driving this and other
       industry transformations. The promise of the early
       information superhighway is being fulfilled. Whether
       tethering a driver’s smartphone or tablet to work with a
       car--or embedding technology into the car itself--there’s
       no need to reinvent the wheel. The Web can take you there.
       Participants in this workshop will have the opportunity to
       share their own perspectives, requirements, and ideas to
       ensure that emerging global technology standards meet the
       needs of the Web and Automotive industries.
     * 2012-11-26 (26 NOV) – 2012-11-27 (27 NOV)
       Do Not Track and Beyond
       Berkeley, California
       Hosted by UC Berkeley and TRUST Science and Technology
       This workshop serves as a forum for the W3C membership and
       the public to discuss the Consortium's next steps in the
       area of tracking protection and Web privacy. What have we
       learned from Do Not Track standardization and real-world
       implementations? Furthermore, undoubtedly support for
       privacy on the Web platform cannot end with Do Not Track:
       what should we look at next and beyond DNT?
     * 2013-02-11 (11 FEB) – 2013-02-12 (12 FEB)
       Electronic Books and the Open Web Platform
       New York (USA)
       Hosted by O'Reilly Media
       Today’s eBook market is dynamic, fast-changing and strong.
       eBooks compete with printed versions, and there is a wide
       choice of hardware and software available for eBook
       readers. Nevertheless, publishers face major business and
       technical challenges in this market, some of which could be
       reduced or removed by standardization.
     * 2013-03-12 (12 MAR) – 2013-03-13 (13 MAR)
       Making the Multilingual Web Work
       Rome, Italy
       Hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
       United Nations (FAO).
       The MultilingualWeb community develops and promotes best
       practices and standards related to all aspects of creating,
       localizing, and deploying the Web across boundaries of
       language. It aims to raise the visibility of existing best
       practices and standards for dealing with language on the
       Internet and on identifying and resolving gaps that keep
       the Internet from living up to its global potential.

W3C Blog

     * W3C and Digital Publishing
       9 November 2012 by Ivan Herman
     * Chinese Developers endeavor to get more involved in the
       community - Test The Web Forward hackathon in China
       9 November 2012 by Angel Li
     * TPAC2012 Storified: "See, sketch and fun"
       5 November 2012 by Coralie Mercier

Upcoming Talks

     * 2012-11-12 (12 NOV)
       Open Data: Setting the Scene
       by Martín Álvarez
       EISCO 2012
       Guimarães, Portugal
     * 2012-11-17 (17 NOV)
       End-to-end W3C API support
       by Alexandre Morgaut
       JS.everywhere(2012) Europe
       Paris, France
     * 2012-11-20 (20 NOV)
       Why HTML5?
       by Philippe Le Hégaret
       HTML5FEST 2012
       Kfar maccabiah, Ramat Gan, Israel
     * 2012-11-20 (20 NOV)
       Web Accessibilty Demystified
       by Zohar Arad
       HTML5FEST 2012 - The Israeli Web Community conference
       Ramat Gan, Israel
     * 2012-11-23 (23 NOV)
       Web Accessibility: A Catalyst to Greatness
       keynote by Shawn Henry
       Montreal, Canada
     * 2012-11-24 (24 NOV)
       HTML5 and CSS
       by Bert Bos
       Web Standards Days
       Moscow, Russia

W3C Membership

   Lear more about the benefits of W3C Membership. If you or your
   organization cannot join W3C, we invite you to support W3C
   through a contribution.


New Members

     * Touch5Mobile

About W3C

   The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international
   consortium where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and
   the public work together to develop "Web standards." Read
   about W3C.


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   W3C Communications Team (w3t-comm@w3.org).


Received on Monday, 12 November 2012 20:58:35 UTC