W3C Public Newsletter, 2010-11-01

Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2010-11-01 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

Ian Jacobs, W3C Communications Team

W3C Launches Web Events Working Group

   28 October 2010 | Archive


   W3C today launches the Web Events Working Group, whose
   chartered mission is to provide methods to enable the use of
   multi-touch and pen-tablet input on devices of all types. Web
   browsers and mobile devices are making increasing use of
   touch-sensitive inputs, such as with a screen, trackpad, or
   tablet interface, as the primary or supplementary interface for
   web applications. A related class of devices, including drawing
   tablets, interactive surfaces, pen devices, digital
   whiteboards, and spatial sensors, are also becoming more
   Web-enabled, driving the need to account for a wider range of
   capability than simple touch interfaces. The aim of this group
   is to determine an appropriate set of functionality to
   standardize, and to define those features in way that may be
   deployed quickly, widely, and interoperably. Learn more about
   the Rich Web Client Activity.


Call for Review: CSS Color Module Level 3 Proposed Recommendation

   28 October 2010 | Archive


   The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group has published a
   Proposed Recommendation of "CSS Color Module Level 3." CSS
   (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language for describing the
   rendering of HTML and XML documents in a variety of ways,
   including on screen and paper. CSS uses color-related
   properties and values to color the text, backgrounds, borders,
   and other parts of elements in a document. This specification
   describes color values and properties for foreground color and
   group opacity. These include properties and values from CSS
   level 2 and new values. Comments are welcome through 25
   November. Learn more about the Style Activity.


First Draft of RDB to RDF Mapping Language (R2RML) Published

   28 October 2010 | Archive


   The RDB2RDF Working Group has published the First Public
   Working Draft of "R2RML: RDB to RDF Mapping Language." R2RML
   is a language for describing how to put relational data on the
   Semantic Web. With R2RML, people express customized mappings
   from relational databases to RDF datasets, allowing them to
   view existing relational data in the RDF data model, expressed
   in their preferred structure and target vocabulary. Learn more
   about the Semantic Web Activity.


Associating Style Sheets with XML documents 1.0 (Second Edition)

   28 October 2010 | Archive


   The XML Core Working Group has revised the W3C Recommendation
   of "Associating Style Sheets with XML documents 1.0 (Second
   Edition)." This document allows style sheets to be associated
   with an XML document by including one or more processing
   instructions with a target of xml-stylesheet in the document's
   prolog. The second edition incorporates all known errata as of
   the publication date, clarifies several areas left unspecified
   in the earlier edition, and has been restructured to allow
   other specifications to reuse the rules for parsing
   pseudo-attributes from a string. See the "full list of changes"
   . Learn more about the Extensible Markup Language (XML)


W3C Invites Developers to Meetup in Lyon (4 November)

   28 October 2010 | Archive


   W3C invites people to a W3C meetup in Lyon, France on Thursday,
   4 November (7-9pm) at the Lyon Convention Center. Anyone may
   attend the meetup at no cost. We encourage Web developers and
   designers to join these discussions, and to meet and chat with
   others in the W3C community who are convening that week during
   W3C's TPAC 2010. The evening will include a few speakers and
   demos on topics such as HTML5, SVG, augmented reality and the
   Web, W3C's new Unicorn validator, and more. W3C appreciates the
   support of sponsor Grand Lyon as well as other local partners.
   Please register online and meet us there.


First Draft of Navigation Timing Draft Published

   26 October 2010 | Archive


   The Web Performance Working Group has published the First
   Public Working Draft of "Navigation Timing." To address the
   need for complete information on user experience, this document
   introduces the NavigationTiming interfaces. This interface
   allows JavaScript mechanisms to provide complete client-side
   latency measurements within applications. With the proposed
   interface, it will be possible, for instance, to measure a
   user's perceived page load time. Learn more about the Rich Web
   Client Activity.


Last Call: SOAP over Java Message Service 1.0

   26 October 2010 | Archive


   The SOAP-JMS Binding Working Group has published a Last Call
   Working Draft of "SOAP over Java Message Service 1.0." This
   document specifies how SOAP binds to a messaging system that
   supports the Java Message Service (JMS). Bindings are specified
   for both SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 using the SOAP 1.2 Protocol
   Binding Framework. This specification also describes how to use
   WSDL documents to indicate and control the use of this binding.
   Comments are welcome through 19 November. Learn more about the
   Web Services Activity.


Last Call: RDFa Core 1.1

   26 October 2010 | Archive


   The RDFa Working Group has published a Last Call Working Draft
   of "RDFa Core 1.1." RDFa Core is a specification for
   attributes to express structured data in any markup language,
   with an emphasis on HTML-family languages, the Scalable Vector
   Graphics (SVG) Format, the Open Document Format and other
   Web-enabled document formats. The specification enables the
   human-readable and machine-readable markup of people, places,
   events, products, recipes, social networks, and many other
   concepts that are frequently published on the web. RDFa 1.1
   improves upon RDFa 1.0 by adding a number of features requested
   by people to ease authoring. The announcement as a Last Call
   Working Draft is an open invitation to the general public to
   review and provide feedback on the specification via the RDFa
   Working Group mailing list. The deadline for review feedback is
   6 December. Learn more about the Semantic Web.


First Draft of File API: Directories and System Published; Two APIs
and Widget Requirements Updated

   26 October 2010 | Archive


   The Web Applications Working Group published three
   specifications today, including a first draft of "File API:
   Directories and System," which defines an API to navigate file
   system hierarchies, and defines a means by which a user agent
   may expose sandboxed sections of a user's local filesystem to
   Web Applications. The API builds on the other two updated
   specifications, "File API: Writer" and "File API." The Working
   Group also updated the "Widget Requirements." A widget is an
   interactive single purpose application for displaying and/or
   updating local data or data on the Web, packaged in a way to
   allow a single download and installation on a user's machine or
   mobile device. Learn more about the Rich Web Client Activity.


Web Content Transformation Proxies 1.0 Retired

   26 October 2010 | Archive


   W3C today retired "Guidelines for Web Content Transformation
   Proxies 1.0." This document had been expected to become a W3C
   Recommendation. W3C published the document as a Candidate
   Recommendation in June. Since then, the Mobile Web Best
   Practices Working Group has not gathered sufficient evidence of
   implementation and W3C has therefore decided to discontinue
   work on this document.


Eight HTML5 Drafts Updated

   25 October 2010 | Archive


   The HTML Working Group published eight documents:

     * Working Drafts of the HTML5 specification, the accompanying
       explanatory document HTML5 differences from HTML4, and the
       related non-normative reference HTML: The Markup Language.
     * Working Drafts of the specifications HTML+RDFa 1.1 and HTML
       Microdata, which define mechanisms for embedding
       machine-readable data in HTML documents, and the
       specification HTML Canvas 2D Context, which defines a 2D
       immediate-mode graphics API for use with the HTML5 <canvas>
     * HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives,
       which is intended to help authors provide useful text
       alternatives for images in HTML documents.
     * Polyglot Markup: HTML-Compatible XHTML Documents, which is
       intended to help authors produce XHTML documents that are
       also compatible with non-XML HTML syntax and parsing rules.

   Learn more about HTML5.


   More news: http://www.w3.org/News/archive


     * 2010-12-08 ( 8 DEC) – 2010-12-09 ( 9 DEC)
       How can Technology help to improve Privacy on the Internet?
       Cambridge, MA, USA
       Jointly organized by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB),
       Internet Society (ISOC), MIT, and W3C
       Who we are (e.g. our thoughts, dreams, feelings, DNA
       sequence), what we own (such as financial property), what
       we have experienced and how we behave
       (audio/visual/olfactory transcripts), and how we can be
       reached (location, endpoint identifiers) are among the most
       personal pieces of information about us. More and more of
       this information is being digitized and made available
       electronically. The question for us therefore is: How can
       we ensure that architectures and technologies for the
       Internet, including the World Wide Web, are developed in a
       way that respects users’ privacy?

W3C Blog

     * W3C Technical Plenary: To HTML5 and beyond!
       29 October 2010 by Philippe Le Hégaret

Upcoming Talks

     * 2010-11-01 (1 NOV)
       Öppna standarder
       by Olle Olsson
       Workshop om öppna standarder
       Stockholm, Sweden
     * 2010-11-03 (3 NOV)
       Technologies for the upcoming web: Standards for the next
       web platform
       by Olle Olsson
       J. Boye Conference Aarhus 2010
       Aarhus, Denmark
     * 2010-11-08 (8 NOV)
       Combine the Web of Data and the Web of Documents
       9th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2010)
       Shanghai, China
     * 2010-11-11 (11 NOV)
       RDF Next Steps
       International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2010)
       Shanghai, China

W3C Membership

   Lear more about the benefits of W3C Membership. If you or your
   organization cannot join W3C, we invite you to support W3C
   through a contribution.


About W3C

   The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international
   consortium where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and
   the public work together to develop "Web standards." Read
   about W3C.


Receiving the Newsletter

   Bookmark this edition or the latest Public Newsletter and see
   past issues and press releases. Subscribe to receive the Public
   Newsletter by email. If you no longer wish to receive the
   Newsletter, send us an unsubscribe email. Comments? Write the
   W3C Communications Team (w3t-comm@w3.org).


Received on Monday, 1 November 2010 15:33:14 UTC