W3C Public Newsletter, 2010-05-17

Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2010-05-17 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

Ian Jacobs, W3C Communications Team

XProc Standard Defines Way to Organize and Share XML Workflows

   11 May 2010 | Archive


   Today W3C announced a powerful tool for managing XML-rich
   processes such as business processes used in enterprise
   environments. The W3C Recommendation " "XProc: An XML Pipeline
   Language,"" provides a standard framework for composing XML
   processes. XProc streamlines the automation, sequencing and
   management of complex computations involving XML by leveraging
   existing technologies widely adopted in the enterprise setting.
   "XML is tremendously versatile," said Norman Walsh, MarkLogic,
   and one of the co-editors of the specification. "Just off the
   top of my head, I can name standard ways to store, validate,
   query, transform, include, label, and link XML. What we haven't
   had is any standard way to describe how to combine them to
   accomplish any particular task. That's what XProc provides."
   Read more in the press release and learn more about XML.


Last Call for Drafts Related to XML Security: Encryption, SIgnature,
Generic Hybrid Ciphers

   17 May 2010 | Archive


   The XML Security Working Group has published three Last Call
   Working Drafts: "XML Encryption Syntax and Processing Version
   1.1," "XML Signature Syntax and Processing Version 1.1," and
   "XML Security Generic Hybrid Ciphers." The group also
   published a Working Draft of "XML Security Algorithm
   Cross-Reference." XML Encryption specifies a process for
   encrypting data and representing the result in XML. XML
   Signatures provide integrity, message authentication, and/or
   signer authentication services for data of any type, whether
   located within the XML that includes the signature or
   elsewhere. The third document augments XML Encryption by
   defining algorithms, XML types and elements necessary to enable
   use of generic hybrid ciphers in XML Security applications. The
   final document summarizes XML Security algorithm URI
   identifiers and the specifications associated with them. Last
   Call comments are welcome through 10 June. Learn more about the
   Security Activity.


State Start XML (SCXML) Draft Published

   17 May 2010 | Archive


   The Voice Browser Working Group has published a Working Draft
   of "State Chart XML (SCXML): State Machine Notation for Control
   Abstraction." SCXML is a general-purpose event-based state
   machine language that can be used in many ways. It can be used
   as a high-level dialog language controlling VoiceXML 3.0's
   encapsulated speech modules. It can also be used as a voice
   application metalanguage, where in addition to VoiceXML 3.0
   functionality, it may also control database access and business
   logic modules. Learn more about the Voice Browser Activity.


W3C Launches Audio Incubator Group

   14 May 2010 | Archive


   W3C is pleased to announce the creation of the Audio Incubator
   Group, whose mission is to explore the possibility of starting
   one or more specifications dealing with various aspects of
   advanced audio functionality, including reading and writing raw
   audio data, and synthesizing sound or speech. The Audio
   Incubator Group will engage the various constituents of such
   specifications, including musicians, audio engineers,
   accessibility experts, user-interface designers, implementers,
   and hardware manufacturers, to collect use cases and
   requirements on what can and should be done for various
   specifications at different levels of priority, and deliver one
   or more reports including recommendations for specification
   work items. The following W3C Members have sponsored the
   charter for this group: Mozilla Foundation, PUC-Rico, BBC, and
   Google. Read more about the Incubator Activity, an initiative
   to foster development of emerging Web-related technologies.
   Incubator Activity work is not on the W3C standards track but
   in many cases serves as a starting point for a future Working


First Draft of XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 2.1 Draft Published

   12 May 2010 | Archive


   The XSL Working Group has published the First Public Working
   Draft of "XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 2.1." This
   specification defines the syntax and semantics of XSLT 2.1, a
   language for transforming XML documents into other XML
   documents. The main focus for enhancements in XSLT 2.1 is the
   requirement to enable streaming of source documents. This is
   needed when source documents become too large to hold in main
   memory, and also for applications where it is important to
   start delivering results before the entire source document is
   available. The approach adopted in this specification is
   twofold: it identifies a set of restrictions which, if followed
   by stylesheet authors, will enable implementations to adopt a
   streaming mode of operation without placing excessive demands
   on the optimization capabilities of the processor; and it
   provides new constructs to indicate that streaming is required,
   or to express transformations in a way that makes it easier for
   the processor to adopt a streaming execution plan. Learn more
   about the Extensible Markup Language (XML) Activity.


Rule Interchange Format (RIF) Advances to Proposed Recommendation

   11 May 2010 | Archive


   The Rule Interchange Format (RIF) Working Group has published
   six Proposed Recommendations. Together, they allow systems
   using a variety of rule languages and rule-based technologies
   to interoperate with each other and with Semantic Web


   Three of the drafts define XML formats with formal semantics
   for storing and transmitting rules:

     * The RIF Production Rule Dialect (PRD) is designed for the
       kinds of rules used in modern Business Rule Management
     * The RIF Basic Logic Dialect (BLD) is a foundation for Logic
       Programming, classical logic, and related formalisms.
     * The RIF Core Dialect is the common subset of PRD and BLD,
       useful when having a ubiquitous platform is paramount.

   The other drafts:

     * RIF Datatypes and Builtins (DTB) specifies the datatypes
       and standard operations (modeled on XPath Functions)
       available in all RIF dialects
     * RIF RDF and OWL Compatibility specifies how RIF works with
       RDF, RDFS, OWL 1, and OWL 2.
     * RIF Framework for Logic Dialects (FLD) provides a mechanism
       for specifying extended dialects, beyond BLD, when more
       expressive power is required.

   The group has also published a new version of "RIF Test Cases"
   , and three other Working Drafts: "RIF Overview," "RIF
   Combination with XML data" and "OWL 2 RL in RIF."


   RIF implementation information is available. Review comments
   are welcome until 8 June. Learn more about the Semantic Web


Last Call: Digital Signatures for Widgets

   11 May 2010 | Archive


   The Web Applications Working Group has published a second Last
   Call Working Draft of "Digital Signatures for Widgets." This
   document defines a profile of the XML Signature Syntax and
   Processing 1.1 specification to allow a widget package to be
   digitally signed. Widget authors and distributors can digitally
   sign widgets as a mechanism to ensure continuity of authorship
   and distributorship. Comments are welcome through 01 June.
   Learn more about the Rich Web Client Activity.


   More news: http://www.w3.org/News/archive


     * 2010-06-15 (15 JUN) – 2010-06-16 (16 JUN)
       Augmented Reality on the Web
       Barcelona, Spain
       Augmented reality (AR) is a long standing topic in its own
       right but it has not been developed on the Web platform. As
       mobile devices become more powerful and feature-rich, the
       workshop will explore the possible convergence of AR and
       the Web. The objective of this Workshop is to provide a
       single forum for researchers and technologists to discuss
       the state of the art for AR on the Web, particularly the
       mobile platform, and what role standardization should play
       for Open Augmented Reality.
     * 2010-06-18 (18 JUN) – 2010-06-19 (19 JUN)
       W3C Workshop on Conversational Applications
       Somerset, NJ, USA
       The goal of the workshop is to understand the limitations
       of the current W3C language model in order to develop a
       more comprehensive model. We plan to collect and analyze
       use cases and prioritize requirements that ultimately will
       be used to identify improvements to the W3C language model.
       Just as W3C developed SSML 1.1 to broaden the languages for
       which SSML is useful, this effort will result in improved
       support for language capabilities that are unsupported
     * 2010-06-26 (26 JUN) – 2010-06-27 (27 JUN)
       RDF Next Steps
       Palo Alto, CA
       Hosted by the National Center for Biomedical Ontology
       (NCBO), at Stanford University
       The goal of the workshop is to gather feedback from the Web
       community on whether and, if yes, in which direction "RDF"
       should evolve. One of the main issues the Workshop should
       help deciding is whether it is timely for W3C to start a
       new RDF Working Group to define and standardize a next
       version of RDF.
     * 2010-07-12 (12 JUL) – 2010-07-13 (13 JUL)
       W3C Workshop on Privacy for Advanced Web APIs
       London, England
       Hosted by Vodafone
       As the Web advances toward becoming an application
       development platform that addresses needs previously met by
       native applications, work proceeds on APIs to access
       information that was previously not available to Web
       developers. The broad availability of possibly sensitive
       data collected through location sensors and other
       facilities in a Web browser is just one example of the
       broad new privacy challenges that the Web faces today.
       Earlier approaches to address privacy issues for the Web,
       especially through policy languages, have not seen broad
       implementation in current-generation Web browsers.
       This workshop serves to investigate strategies toward
       better privacy protection on the Web that are effective and
       lead to benefits in the near term.

W3C Blog

     * Asia and W3C
       14 May 2010 by Jeff Jaffe
     * HTML5 Video
       14 May 2010 by Philippe Le Hégaret

Upcoming Talks

     * 2010-05-19 (19 MAY)
       What is W3C?
       by Ivan Herman
       PRISM Forum Spring Meeting
       Stockholm, Sweden
     * 2010-05-24 (24 MAY)
       Develop a Web Accessibility Business Case for Your
       by Shawn Henry
       UPA 2010: Embracing Cultural Diversity – User Experience
       Design for the World
       Munich, Germany
     * 2010-05-25 (25 MAY)
       Les standards ouverts du Web et les logiciels libres
       by Najib Tounsi
       ecological computing
       TANGIER , Morocco
     * 2010-05-27 (27 MAY)
       How Does Accessibility Fit into Today’s Usability Practice?
       panel features Shawn Henry
       UPA 2010: Embracing Cultural Diversity – User Experience
       Design for the World
       Munich, Germany
     * 2010-05-27 (27 MAY)
       Semantically-Enabled Standard development
       by Laurent Lefort
       Metadata Australia 2010 Conference - Sharing Data, Sharing
       Canberra, Australia
     * 2010-05-27 (27 MAY)
       Transforming eGov Accessibility
       by Judy Brewer
       Gov 2.0 Expo
       Washington, DC, USA
     * 2010-06-09 (9 JUN)
       Standards and Best Practices for the Multilingual Web
       by Richard Ishida
       Localization World
       Berlin, Germany
     * 2010-06-10 (10 JUN)
       SVG: Today and Tomorrow
       by Doug Schepers
       @media 2010
       London, United Kingdom
     * 2010-06-22 (22 JUN)
       Introduction to Semantic Web Technologies
       by Ivan Herman
       2010 Semantic Technology Conference
       San Francisco, CA, USA

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   The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international
   consortium where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and
   the public work together to develop "Web standards." Read
   about W3C.


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Received on Monday, 17 May 2010 21:43:11 UTC