W3C Public Newsletter, 2010-05-03

Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2010-05-03 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

Ian Jacobs, W3C Communications Team

W3C Opens India Office during International Conference in New Delhi

   03 May 2010 | Archive


   As part of its efforts to ensure that core Web standards meet
   global needs, W3C announces today the opening of a new Office
   in India. The Office is hosted in New Delhi by the Technology
   Development for Indian Languages (TDIL) Programme, part of the
   India government's Department of Information Technology. W3C
   and TDIL will celebrate this collaborative effort at an opening
   ceremony on 6 May 2010, as part of a conference organized by
   TDIL on the topic of technology, standards and
   internationalization. "Increased participation from India will
   strengthen W3C's international community," said Jeff Jaffe, W3C
   CEO. "I look forward to partnering with TDIL so that we build
   the W3C community in India, including drawing Membership from
   key industrial and academic leaders. The upcoming conference is
   an important first step." Read more in the press release and
   learn about the W3C Offices Program.


W3C Advisory Committee Elects Advisory Board

   30 April 2010 | Archive


   The W3C Advisory Committee has filled five open seats on the
   W3C Advisory Board. Created in 1998, the Advisory Board
   provides guidance to the Team on issues of strategy,
   management, legal matters, process, and conflict resolution.
   Beginning 1 July 2010, the nine Advisory Board participants are
   Jean-François Abramatic (IBM), Ann Bassetti (The Boeing
   Company), Jim Bell (HP), Michael Champion (Microsoft), Don
   Deutsch (Oracle), Robert Freund (Hitachi), Ora Lassila (Nokia),
   Charles McCathieNevile (Opera Software), and Takeshi Natsuno
   (Keio University). Steve Zilles continues as interim Advisory
   Board Chair. Read more about the Advisory Board.


CSS Template Layout Module Draft Published

   29 April 2010 | Archive


   The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group has published a
   Working Draft of "CSS Template Layout Module." This
   specification is part of level 3 of CSS and contains features
   to describe layouts at a high level, meant for tasks such as
   the positioning and alignment of "widgets" in a graphical user
   interface or the layout grid for a page or a window, in
   particular when the desired visual order is different from the
   order of the elements in the source document. Learn more about
   the Style Activity.


W3C to Examine Privacy Challenges of Advanced Web Technologies in

   27 April 2010 | Archive


   The broad availability of possibly sensitive data collected
   through location sensors and other facilities in a Web browser
   illustrates the broad new privacy challenges Web users face
   today. For example, new APIs in Web browsers running on a
   mobile device provide Web applications with access to GPS data
   or a camera. W3C invites the community to examine these privacy
   challenges at a Workshop on Privacy for Advanced Web APIs,
   12-13 July 2010 in London, England, and hosted by Vodafone.
   Workshop participants will review recent experience and
   investigate strategies for effective, near-term privacy
   protection on the Web. Anyone who submits a position paper
   following the guidelines may participate, space permitting.
   There is no fee to participate and W3C Membership is not
   required. Paper submissions are due 1 June. For more
   information, see the Workshop home page.


   More news: http://www.w3.org/News/archive


     * 2010-05-13 (13 MAY) – 2010-05-14 (14 MAY)
       Workshop on Future Standards for Model-Based User
       Rome, Italy
       Hosted by CNR/ISTI
       Web application developers face increasing difficulties due
       to wide variations in device capabilities, in the details
       of the standards they support, the need to support
       assistive technologies for accessibility, the demand for
       richer user interfaces, the suites of programming languages
       and libraries, and the need to contain costs and meet
       challenging schedules during the development and
       maintenance of applications. Research work on model-based
       design of context-sensitive user interfaces has sought to
       address the challenge of reducing the costs for developing
       and maintaining multi-target user interfaces through a
       layered architecture that separates out different concerns.
       Workshop participants will collectively help to identify
       opportunities and challenges for new open standards in the
       area, particularly concerning the semantics and syntaxes of
       task, abstract and concrete user interface models. In
       addition, workshop participants will have the opportunity
       to discuss the role of model-based approaches in relation
       to other standards, for instance, XForms, ANSI/CEA-2018 and
       MDA, and the relationship to work on standards for Web
       delivery including HTML5 and browser scripting APIs.
     * 2010-06-15 (15 JUN) – 2010-06-16 (16 JUN)
       Augmented Reality on the Web
       Barcelona, Spain
       Augmented reality (AR) is a long standing topic in its own
       right but it has not been developed on the Web platform. As
       mobile devices become more powerful and feature-rich, the
       workshop will explore the possible convergence of AR and
       the Web. The objective of this Workshop is to provide a
       single forum for researchers and technologists to discuss
       the state of the art for AR on the Web, particularly the
       mobile platform, and what role standardization should play
       for Open Augmented Reality.
     * 2010-06-18 (18 JUN) – 2010-06-19 (19 JUN)
       W3C Workshop on Conversational Applications
       Somerset, NJ, USA
       The goal of the workshop is to understand the limitations
       of the current W3C language model in order to develop a
       more comprehensive model. We plan to collect and analyze
       use cases and prioritize requirements that ultimately will
       be used to identify improvements to the W3C language model.
       Just as W3C developed SSML 1.1 to broaden the languages for
       which SSML is useful, this effort will result in improved
       support for language capabilities that are unsupported
     * 2010-06-26 (26 JUN) – 2010-06-27 (27 JUN)
       RDF Next Steps
       Palo Alto, CA
       Hosted by the National Center for Biomedical Ontology
       (NCBO), at Stanford University
       The goal of the workshop is to gather feedback from the Web
       community on whether and, if yes, in which direction "RDF"
       should evolve. One of the main issues the Workshop should
       help deciding is whether it is timely for W3C to start a
       new RDF Working Group to define and standardize a next
       version of RDF.
     * 2010-07-12 (12 JUL) – 2010-07-13 (13 JUL)
       W3C Workshop on Privacy for Advanced Web APIs
       London, England
       Hosted by Vodafone
       As the Web advances toward becoming an application
       development platform that addresses needs previously met by
       native applications, work proceeds on APIs to access
       information that was previously not available to Web
       developers. The broad availability of possibly sensitive
       data collected through location sensors and other
       facilities in a Web browser is just one example of the
       broad new privacy challenges that the Web faces today.
       Earlier approaches to address privacy issues for the Web,
       especially through policy languages, have not seen broad
       implementation in current-generation Web browsers.
       This workshop serves to investigate strategies toward
       better privacy protection on the Web that are effective and
       lead to benefits in the near term.

W3C Blog

     * Truly W3C Community building at WWW2010 (Part 1)
       3 May 2010 by Marie-Claire Forgue
     * New Release of the W3C Cheat Sheet
       27 April 2010 by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux

Upcoming Talks

     * 2010-05-03 (3 MAY)
       How to make business worldwide with the multilingual web
       keynote by Felix Sasaki
       Business Information Systems 2010
       Berlin, Germany
     * 2010-05-04 (4 MAY)
       The semantic web and its applications
       by Eyal Sela
       INFO 2010
       Tel Aviv, Israel
     * 2010-05-05 (5 MAY)
       How to predict the future – Challenges for HTML5, CSS3 and
       other new Web standards
       by Bert Bos
       University of Oviedo Department of Computer Science
       Oviedo, Spain
     * 2010-05-07 (7 MAY)
       Some Steps from the Web to a Semantic Web
       World Wide Web: Technology, Standards and
       Internationalization Conference
       New Delhi, India
     * 2010-05-10 (10 MAY)
       Accessibility Now
       keynote by Shawn Henry
       Austin, TX, USA
     * 2010-05-10 (10 MAY)
       Web Accessibility from the Usability and UX Perspectives
       by Shawn Henry
       AccessU, Usability Track
       Austin, TX, USA
     * 2010-05-24 (24 MAY)
       Develop a Web Accessibility Business Case for Your
       by Shawn Henry
       UPA 2010: Embracing Cultural Diversity – User Experience
       Design for the World
       Munich, Germany
     * 2010-05-25 (25 MAY)
       Les standards ouverts du Web et les logiciels libres
       by Najib Tounsi
       ecological computing
       TANGIER , Morocco
     * 2010-05-27 (27 MAY)
       Transforming eGov Accessibility
       by Judy Brewer
       Gov 2.0 Expo
       Washington, DC, USA
     * 2010-05-27 (27 MAY)
       How Does Accessibility Fit into Today’s Usability Practice?
       panel features Shawn Henry
       UPA 2010: Embracing Cultural Diversity – User Experience
       Design for the World
       Munich, Germany
     * 2010-05-27 (27 MAY)
       Semantically-Enabled Standard development
       by Laurent Lefort
       Metadata Australia 2010 Conference - Sharing Data, Sharing
       Canberra, Australia
     * 2010-06-09 (9 JUN)
       Standards and Best Practices for the Multilingual Web
       by Richard Ishida
       Localization World
       Berlin, Germany
     * 2010-06-10 (10 JUN)
       SVG: Today and Tomorrow
       by Doug Schepers
       @media 2010
       London, United Kingdom
     * 2010-06-22 (22 JUN)
       Introduction to Semantic Web Technologies
       by Ivan Herman
       2010 Semantic Technology Conference
       San Francisco, CA, USA

W3C Membership

   Lear more about the benefits of W3C Membership. If you or your
   organization cannot join W3C, we invite you to support W3C
   through a contribution.


New Members

     * China Unicom
     * Department of Internal Affairs

About W3C

   The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international
   consortium where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and
   the public work together to develop "Web standards." Read
   about W3C.


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Received on Monday, 3 May 2010 22:43:00 UTC