W3C Public Newsletter, 2009-07-06

Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2009-07-06 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

Ian Jacobs, W3C Communications Team

XHTML 2 Working Group Expected to Stop Work End of 2009, W3C to
Increase Resources on HTML 5

   Today the Director announces that when the XHTML 2 Working Group
   charter expires as scheduled at the end of 2009, the charter will
   not be renewed. By doing so, and by increasing resources in the HTML
   Working Group, W3C hopes to accelerate the progress of "HTML 5" and
   clarify W3C's position regarding the future of HTML. A FAQ answers
   questions about the future of deliverables of the XHTML 2 Working
   Group, and the status of various discussions related to HTML. Learn
   more about the HTML Activity.


Live Training Sessions On Mobile Web Design Rescheduled

   Originally scheduled for July, W3C has rescheduled a Live Training
   Sessions On Mobile Web Design for 13 October 2009. Students will
   attend a full day of lectures and hands on sessions about the "W3C
   Mobile Web Best Practices" standard, and more generally on mobile
   Web design. Read the full announcement, register, and learn more
   about the W3C Mobile Web Initiative.


Last Call for Six Rule Interchange Format (RIF) Drafts

   The Rule Interchange Format (RIF) Working Group has published six
   Last Call Working Drafts. Together, they allow systems using a
   variety of rule languages and rule-based technologies to
   interoperate with each other and with other Semantic Web
   technologies. Three of the drafts define XML formats with formal
   semantics for storing and transmitting rules:
     * The "RIF Production Rule Dialect (PRD)" is designed for the
       kinds of rules used in modern Business Rule Management systems.
     * The "RIF Basic Logic Dialect (BLD)" is a foundation for Logic
       Programming, classical logic, and related formalisms.
     * The "RIF Core Dialect" is the common subset of PRD and BLD,
       useful when having a ubiquitous platform is paramount.

   The other drafts:
     * "RIF Datatypes and Builtins (DTB)" specifies the datatypes and
       standard operations (modeled on "XPath Functions" ) available in
       all RIF dialects
     * "RIF RDF and OWL Compatibility" specifies how RIF works with
       RDF, RDFS, OWL 1, and OWL 2.
     * "RIF Framework for Logic Dialects (FLD)" provides a mechanism
       for specifying extended dialects, beyond BLD, when more
       expressive power is required.

   The Working Group requests comments be sent to
   public-rif-comments@w3.org by 31 July 2009. Learn more about the
   Semantic Web Activity.


W3C Launches Device APIs and Policy Working Group

   W3C launched a new Device APIs and Policy Working Group, co-Chaired
   by Robin Berjon (Vodafone) and Frederick Hirsch (Nokia). The group's
   mission is to create client-side APIs that enable the development of
   Web Applications and Web Widgets that interact with devices services
   such as Calendar, Contacts, and Camera. Additionally, the group will
   produce a framework for the expression of security policies that
   govern access to security-critical APIs (such as the APIs listed
   previously). Per its charter, this group will conduct its work in
   public. Learn more about the Device APIs and Policy Working Group.


Summary of Workshop on Speaker Biometrics and VoiceXML 3.0 Available

   W3C has published a summary and full minutes of the Workshop on
   Speaker biometrics and VoiceXML 3.0, that took place in Menlo Park,
   California on 5-6 March. Participants from 15 organizations focused
   discussion on Speaker Identification and Verification (SIV)
   functionality within VoiceXML 3.0, and identifying and prioritizing
   directions for the functionality. The major "takeaways" from the
   Workshop were confirmation that SIV fits into the VoiceXML space and
   creation of the "Menlo Park Model", a SIV available VoiceXML
   architecture. The Working Group will continue to discuss how to
   include the requirements expressed at the Workshop into VoiceXML 3.0
   and improve the specification. Learn more about the Voice Browser


First Draft of SPARQL New Features and Rationale

   The SPARQL Working Group has published the First Public Working
   Draft of "SPARQL New Features and Rationale." This document
   provides an overview of the main new features of SPARQL and their
   rationale. This is an update to SPARQL adding several new features
   that have been agreed by the SPARQL WG. These language features were
   determined based on real applications and user and tool-developer
   experience. Learn more about the Semantic Web Activity.


Last Call: CSS3 module: Multi-column layout

   The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group has published a Last
   Call Working Draft of "CSS3 module: Multi-column layout." This
   module describes multi-column layout in CSS. It builds on the CSS3
   Box model module and adds functionality to flow the content of an
   element into multiple columns. Comments are welcome through 01
   October. Learn more about the Style Activity.


Two SML Notes: XLink Reference Scheme, EPR-Based Reference Schemes

   The Service Modeling Language Working Group has published two
   Working Group Notes: "The SML XLink Reference Scheme" and "Framework
   for SML EPR-Based Reference Schemes." The Service Modeling Language
   specification extends the Extensible Mark-up Language and XML Schema
   with a mechanism for incorporating into XML documents references to
   other documents or document fragments. The first note addresses the
   construction of an SML reference scheme based on the XML Linking
   Language. The second addresses the construction of SML reference
   schemes for document or document fragment references that employ
   WS-Addressing endpoint references (EPRs). Learn more about the
   Extensible Markup Language (XML) Activity.


Steve Bratt to Assume Full-Time Role as Web Foundation CEO

   As of 30 June, Steven R. Bratt will step down from his role as W3C
   CEO in order to pursue full-time the role of CEO of the World Wide
   Web Foundation. The Web Foundation was announced in September 2008
   with a mission to advance the Web, connect humanity, and empower
   people. Steve has been part-time CEO of the Web Foundation since

   While W3C COO and then CEO, Steve was responsible for W3C's
   worldwide operations and outreach, including overall management of
   Member relations, the W3C Process, the staff, strategic planning,
   budget, legal matters, external liaisons and major events. His
   purposeful and thoughtful leadership at W3C was informed by previous
   experiences in research, industry, and government, where he served
   on scientific and arms control delegations among others.

   While W3C seeks to fill the open position, Ralph Swick assumes
   Steve's leadership responsibilities. Thomas Roessler steps up in the
   interim to take on the role of Technology and Society Domain Lead.

   The mission of the Web Foundation complements that of W3C, and the
   two organizations will continue to coordinate their efforts to make
   the Web useful and available to all. W3C looks forward to Steve's
   successful leadership of the Web Foundation.


First Authorized Translation of WCAG 2.0 Published

   W3C announces the French Authorized Translation of Web Content
   Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Règles pour l'accessibilité des
   contenus Web (WCAG) 2.0 . It is the first of several planned WCAG
   2.0 Translations: Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, Chinese, Czech,
   Danish, Dutch, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean,
   Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, and other languages.
   Translations are listed on the WCAG 2.0 Translations page and
   announced via the WAI Interest Group mailing list and WAI RSS feed.
   Learn more about translating W3C documents, Policy for Authorized
   W3C Translations, WCAG 2.0, and the Web Accessibility Initiative


W3C Invites Implementations of Widgets 1.0: Digital Signatures

   The Web Applications Working Group invites implementation of the
   Candidate Recommendation of "Widgets 1.0: Digital Signatures."
   Widgets are full-fledged client-side applications that are authored
   using Web standards and packaged for distribution. This document
   defines a profile of the XML Signature Syntax and Processing 1.1
   specification to allow a widget package to be digitally signed,
   helping to ensure continuity of authorship and distributorship.
   Learn more about the Rich Web Client Activity.


W3C Workshop on Using Ink in Multimodal Applications Canceled

   The Workshop on Using Ink in Multimodal Applications, which was
   planned for 10-11 July 2009 in Grand Bend, Ontario (Canada), has
   been canceled. The goal of the Workshop was to help the Multimodal
   Interaction Working Group integrate handwriting modality components
   (Ink Modality Components) into the "MMI Architecture" and clarify
   what should be added to the Multimodal specifications to enable
   applications to adapt to various modality combinations including
   Ink. The group is planning to meet face-to-face during W3C's TPAC
   2009, and will continue to discuss possible extensions for InkML and
   how to integrate the specification into the architecture. Read about
   the "Ink Markup Language (InkML)" and W3C's Multimodal Interaction


Five Web Services Drafts Updated

   The Web Services Resource Access Working Group published updates to
   five Working Drafts: "Web Services Enumeration (WS-Enumeration),"
   "Web Services Eventing (WS-Eventing)," "Web Services Resource
   Transfer (WS-RT)," "Web Services Transfer (WS-Transfer)," and "Web
   Services Metadata Exchange (WS-MetadataExchange)." The first
   describes a general SOAP-based protocol for enumerating a sequence
   of XML elements that is suitable for traversing logs, message
   queues, or other linear information models. The second describes a
   protocol that allows Web services to subscribe to or accept
   subscriptions for event notification. The third defines extensions
   to WS-Transfer that deal primarily with fragment-based access to
   resources to satisfy the common requirements of WS-ResourceFramework
   and WS-Management. The fourth describes a general SOAP-based
   protocol for accessing XML representations of Web service-based
   resources. The fifth defines how metadata associated with a Web
   service endpoint can be represented as resources, how metadata can
   be embedded in endpoint references, and how metadata could be
   retrieved from a Web service endpoint. Learn more about the Web
   Services Activity.


Note Published: W3C mobileOK Scheme 1.0

   The Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group has published a Group
   Note of "W3C mobileOK Scheme 1.0." W3C's mobileOK is designed to
   improve the Web experience for users of mobile devices by rewarding
   content providers that adhere to good practice when delivering
   content to them. This document describes the mobileOK scheme, which
   allows content providers to promote their content as being suitable
   for use on very basic mobile devices. Learn more about the Mobile
   Web Initiative Activity.

   Past home page news...


W3C Questions and Answers Blog 
     * Data in the City by Ian Jacobs
     * Reflections on SemTech 2009 by Karen Myers
     * WCAG 2.0 in your mother tongue by Shadi Abou-Zahra
     * W3C team at SemTech by Ivan Herman
     * Orthogonality of Specifications by Larry Masinter
     * Past Q&A Blog ...

Upcoming Meetings

     * More About Workshops...
     * W3C Membership Meeting Calendar...

Upcoming Talks 

     * 7 July, Barcelona, Spain: Acceso a la Información Pública y
       Redes Sociales. José Manuel Alonso participates in a panel at V
       Congreso Internet, Derecho y Política.
     * 10 July, Kyoto, Japan: Web技術の現状と将来. Masao Isshiki presents at
       オープンソースカンファレンス 2009 Kansai.
     * 14 July, Linz, Austria: WCAG 2.0 ist da, was nun?. Shadi
       Abou-Zahra presents at IKT Forum 2009.
     * 20 July, Boston, USA: Web Accessibility, Universal Design, and
       Standardization. Judy Brewer participates in a panel at
       Accessing the Future: A global collaborative exploration for
       accessibility in the next decade.
     * 20 July, Seattle, WA, USA: Accessibility: It's for Everyone and
       Everything. Shawn Henry presents at Web Design World 2009
     * 21 July, Seattle, WA, USA: Accessibility in a Web 2.0 World.
       Shawn Henry presents at Web Design World 2009 Seattle (discount
       "Passport" registration code: S9W06).
     * 24 July, San Diego, USA: WCAG 2.0 Test Samples Repository. Shadi
       Abou-Zahra presents at HCI International 2009.
     * 27 July, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA: Ex-XHTML HTML. Doug
       Schepers presents at The Summer XML 2009 Conference.
     * 28 July, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA: Open Graphics and the
       Sustainable Web: Scalable Vector Graphics and Canvas. Doug
       Schepers presents at The Summer XML 2009 Conference.
     * 10 August, Montréal, Canada: Memory management in streaming:
       buffering, lookahead, or none. Which to choose?. Mohamed
       ZERGAOUI presents at Balisage.
     * 11 August, Montréal, Canada: Visual Designers: Those XML tools
       with no angle bracket at all!. Mohamed ZERGAOUI presents at
     * 11 August, Montreal, Canada: Automatic XML Namespaces. Liam Quin
       presents at Balisage.
     * 29 August, Nanjing, China: Introduction to the Semantic Web.
       Ivan Herman gives a tutorial at 第三届中国语义万维网研讨会 (CSWS 2009).
     * 30 August, Nanjing, China: State of the Semantic Web. Ivan
       Herman gives a keynote at 第三届中国语义万维网研讨会 (CSWS 2009).
     * 29 October, Chicago, IL, USA: WAI-ARIA Introduction: Making
       Advanced Websites and Web Applications Accessible. Shawn Henry
       presents at ATIA 2009 Chicago.
     * 30 October, Chicago, IL, USA: Web Accessibility Standards and
       Guidelines Update 2009. Shawn Henry presents at ATIA 2009
     * 13 March 2010, Prague, Czech Republic: XML Prague 2010. Mohamed
       ZERGAOUI is at XML Prague 2010.
     * View upcoming talks by country
     * More talks...

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   Member-only announcements and other benefits.

   If you or your organization cannot join W3C, we invite you to
   support W3C through a contribution.


New Members

     * Agencia para el Desarrollo del Gobierno de Gestion Electronica y
       la Sociedad de la Informacion y del Conocimiento (AGESIC)

About W3C

   The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium
   where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work
   together to develop Web standards. Read about W3C.

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   Communications Team (w3t-comm@w3.org).


   This edition on the Web:
   Latest Public Newsletter: http://www.w3.org/News/Public/

   Copyright © 2009 W3C ® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio). Usage policies apply.

Received on Monday, 6 July 2009 14:09:47 UTC