W3C Weekly News - 8 March 2007

                             W3C Weekly News

                       28 February - 7 March 2007

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W3C Launches New HTML Working Group

  W3C is pleased to invite participation in the new HTML Working
  Group, chartered to create the next HTML standard with the active
  participation of browser vendors, software developers, and content
  designers. "It's time to revisit the standard and see what we can do
  to meet the current community needs, and to do so effectively with
  commitments from browser manufacturers in a visible and open way,"
  said Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director. At the same time, W3C is chartering
  the Forms Working Group, the XHTML2 Working Group, and rechartering the
  Hypertext Coordination Group. Read the press release and visit the HTML
  Working Group home page, the Forms Working Group home page, and the
  XHTML2 Working Group home page.


Web Services Policy 1.5: Call for Implementations

  W3C is pleased to announce the advancement of "Web Services Policy 1.5"
  to Candidate Recommendation. The Policy Framework defines a model for
  expressing the nature of Web services in order to convey conditions for
  their interaction. Attachment defines how to associate policies, for
  example within WSDL or UDDI, with subjects to which they apply.
  Candidate Recommendation feedback is welcome through 30 June. Read
  about Web services.


Tim Berners-Lee Speaks on Future of the Web to US Congress

  Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director, testified on the future of the World
  Wide Web before the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the
  Internet, Committee on Energy & Commerce, U.S. House of
  Representatives, on 1 March. Chairman Edward Markey invited Berners-Lee
  as the sole witness for the first in a series on the Digital Future of
  the United States. The testimony and details of the hearing and
  archived Webcast (WMP) are available.


Workshop on Declarative Models of Distributed Web Applications: Call
for Participation

  Position papers are due 17 April for the W3C Workshop on Declarative
  Models of Distributed Web Applications to be held 5-6 June in Dublin,
  Ireland, hosted by MobileAware with the support of the Irish State
  Development Agency, Enterprise Ireland. Attendees will discuss the
  potential for declarative techniques as a basis for reducing the costs
  of building Web applications for the home, office and mobile
  environments to meet the demand for greater interactivity and access to
  device capabilities. Read about W3C Workshops and about the Ubiquitous


Web of Services for Enterprise Computing: Workshop

  The Workshop on Web of Services for Enterprise Computing was held in
  Bedford, MA, USA, hosted by MITRE. Participants discussed how to
  facilitate the processing of business transactions and interactions
  with systems that pre-date the Web, and how to address the need to
  interconnect intranet and/or extranet services using Web technologies.
  Read about Workshops and W3C Activities.


Last Call: GRDDL Links Microformats and Semantic Web

  The GRDDL Working Group has released a Last Call Working Draft of
  "GRDDL." Comments are welcome through 30 March. With important
  applications such as connecting microformats to the Semantic Web, GRDDL
  is a mechanism to extract RDF statements from suitable XHTML and XML
  content using programs such as XSLT transformations. GRDDL allows
  powerful mash-ups at very low cost. Visit the Semantic Web home page.


W3C Launches Security Specifications Working Group

  W3C is pleased to announce the launch of the XML Security
  Specifications Maintenance Working Group. Frederick Hirsch (Nokia)
  chairs the group which is chartered to perform maintenance work on
  Recommendations from the XML Signature and XML Encryption families of
  security specifications. The group is also tasked to suggest a charter
  for possibly broader future work. Read the about the Security Activity.

  W3C Members may use this form to join the Working Group.


Secure Browsing: Working Draft

  The Web Security Context Working Group released the First Public
  Working Draft of "Web Security Experience, Indicators and Trust: Scope
  and Use Cases." The draft describes what technologies may be used and
  how proposals will be evaluated to produce the group's technical work
  to enable a secure and usable interface so Web users can make safe
  trust decisions on the Web. Read about the Security Activity.


CURIE: Working Draft for Compact URIs

  The HTML Working Group and the Semantic Web Best Practices and
  Deployment Working Group jointly have published the First Public
  Working Draft of "CURIE Syntax 1.0." Written for markup language
  designers, the draft specifies the syntax and usage of CURIEs which
  are abbreviated or "compact URIs." Read about the HTML Activity and
  the Semantic Web.


CSS3 Text: Working Draft

  The CSS Working Group has released a Working Draft of "CSS Text Level
  3." Formerly titled the CSS3 Text Effects Module, the draft is part of
  the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) language Level 3 and addresses white
  space, line breaks, word boundaries, text wrapping, alignment,
  justification and spacing. Visit the CSS home page.


Incubator Group to Analyze Semantic Web Services

  W3C is pleased to announce the creation of the SWS Testbed Incubator
  Group sponsored by W3C Members Wright State University, Stanford
  University, DERI University of Innsbruck, and the National University
  of Galway, Ireland. The mission of this XG is to develop a standard
  methodology for evaluating Semantic Web Services based upon a standard
  set of problems and develop a public repository of such problems. Read
  about the Incubator Activity, an initiative to foster development of
  emerging Web-related technologies.

  W3C Members may use this form to join the group.


Incubator Group to Focus on Uncertain Knowledge

  W3C is pleased to announce the creation of the Uncertainty Reasoning
  for the World Wide Web Incubator Group to better define the challenge
  of working with incomplete knowledge. The group expects to identify the
  elements of uncertainty, produce use cases, and create the fundamentals
  of a way to represent and reason when truth or falsehood is
  inapplicable or unknown. The group is sponsored by W3C Members Image,
  Video and Multimedia Systems Lab, McDonald Bradley, MITRE, National ICT
  Australia (NICTA), the University of Amsterdam and the University of
  Bristol. Read about the Incubator Activity.

  W3C Members may use this form to join the group.


W3C Talks in March

  * Shawn Henry participates in a panel at SXSW Interactive on 10 March
    in Austin, Texas, USA.
  * Ivan Herman presents at Infotech for Pharma & Biotech Europe on
    14 March in London, UK.
  * Olle Olsson presents at Software Innovation Annual Conference on
    18 March in Lisboa, Portugal.
  * Shadi Abou-Zahra presents at the Technology & Persons with
    Disabilities Conference on 21 March in Los Angeles, California, USA.
  * Olle Olsson presents at GIT 2007 Forum för Geografisk IT on 22 March
    in Jönköping, Sweden.
  * Máté Pataki and Éva Megyaszai present at Magyarországi Web
    Konferencia on 31 March in Budapest, Hungary.

   Browse W3C presentations and events also available as an RSS channel.



   The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium
   where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work
   together to develop Web standards. W3C primarily pursues its mission
   through the creation of Web standards and guidelines designed to
   ensure long-term growth for the Web. Over 400 organizations are
   Members of the Consortium. W3C is jointly run by the MIT Computer
   Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (MIT CSAIL) in the USA,
   the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics
   (ERCIM) headquartered in France, Keio University in Japan, and has
   additional Offices worldwide. For more information see

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Received on Wednesday, 7 March 2007 20:47:13 UTC