Re: URI Template experience

On May 19, 2009, at 11:08 PM, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:

> You cannot treat simplicity and functionality as separate in
> design. The amount of functionality worth having is co-determined
> by the complexity of the result; the degree of simplicity worth
> aiming for is co-determined by the usefulness of the result.

Agreed. Adoption correlates strongly with simplicity. Look at the  
original HTML; it was simple and didn't handle many use cases well  
(still doesn't) but it was 10,000 times better than a "standard" that  
never reaches recommendation stage and hence rarely ever gets used.

Keep it very simple, solve the 80 percentile case and then address the  
remaining 20% over the next two decades (a.l.a. HTML4 vs HTML5.)


-Mike Schinkel

Received on Wednesday, 20 May 2009 17:55:06 UTC