Re: URI Templates: { ^ prefix ^ variable [] separator | default }

Joe Gregorio scripsit:

> Even if the <op>'s are changed to something more XML 'friendly'
> you still have to escape because <arg> may contain & and ',

True, but the operators are more likely to be copied verbatim
out of the documentation, with people forgetting to escape them
if needed in the XML context.  < and > could be replaced by
[ and ] or even ( and ), for example.

Deshil Holles eamus.  Deshil Holles eamus.  Deshil Holles eamus.
Send us, bright one, light one, Horhorn, quickening, and wombfruit. (3x)
Hoopsa, boyaboy, hoopsa!  Hoopsa, boyaboy, hoopsa!  Hoopsa, boyaboy, hoopsa!
  -- Joyce, Ulysses, "Oxen of the Sun"

Received on Friday, 26 October 2007 16:02:52 UTC