Re: URI Reference creation

Sebastian Pipping wrote:
> Mike Brown wrote:
> > Test cases are in 
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I found a test case that seems strange to me.
> It's one of the cases in absolutize_test_cases:
>    ('.//g', 'f:/a', 'f://g')
> In the reference "g" is the name of a path
> while it becomes the host part in the resolved URI.
> Can this be correct?

That's Relative84 from Graham Klyne's tests at

A bit of Googling reveals Rob Cameron brought up the issue before:

Roy Fielding said it's not an issue:

Rob demonstrated that it was, and suggested that the algorithm be
changed to better handle it:

I don't see any evidence that it went any further than this.

Received on Wednesday, 1 August 2007 04:48:55 UTC