Re: http-urls style, trailing slash and webdav

Reto Bachmann-Gmür wrote:
> Julian Reschke schrieb:
>> Reto Bachmann-Gmür wrote:
>>>> Why wouldn't you always want to point the client to the variant with 
>>>> trailing slash?
>>> According to rfc2518 only collection resources are referenced in the 
>>> containing collection with a trailing slash. I guess some webdav 
>>> clients would see only directories.
>> Yep. I was referring to collections only.
> Webdav collections necessarily do, but what's about get-dereferenceable 
> resource, which are or may become superordinate to others (such as 
> "myproject" and "documentation of myproject", or "myimage" and 
> "thumbnail of myimage". In the mail starting this thread [1] I mentioned 
> why i thought that it would be bad style to end get- dereferenceable 
> with slash (not as bad as :-).

WebDAV has no problem with collections being GET-dereferencable. It also 
has no problems with a resource "a" being GET-deferencable, later being 
replaced by "a/" being both GET-deferencable and being a collection.

So I guess I still don't understand the problem.

> ...

Viele Grüße, Julian

Received on Friday, 27 January 2006 20:56:33 UTC