Re: http-urls style, trailing slash and webdav

Reto Bachmann-Gmür wrote:
> Hello
> I'm not sure if this is the right list - please redirect me if there is 
> a more appropriate forum.
> I was looking for recommendations about the use of trailing slashes in 
> http-urls,my opinion was, that is better style not to terminate the URLs 
> with a slash as
>    * It is unclear if a resources will once have subcategories (on
> "/knobot" has the subcategory "/knobot/development"
>      while "/rdf-utils" hasn't yet a subcategory
>    * The alternative, terminating all URLs with slash would lead to
>      ugly URLs when an extension to force a content-type is added (like
>      "bla/.rdf") and leads to unintuitive names when downloading
>      resources (such as with wget)
> So currently I my server answers like this:
> -> 200 Success
> -> 404 Not found
> -> 200 Success
> However implementing support for webdav all the clients I tested at 
> least occasionally requested a collection without trailing slash, even 
> if was referenced with slash in the containing collection, this makes it 
> impossible to have two differen resource at (a 
> GET-dereferencable resource) and (a 
> dav:collection). It seems that the expected behavior is  that an URL 
> with removed trailing slash either causes the same server response or a 
> redirect to the resource with trailing slash.

Yes. So why don't you just make it one resource that is both a 
DAV:collection and has GETtable content?

> ...

Best regards, Julian

Received on Thursday, 26 January 2006 12:45:28 UTC