Update on file->URI code (fixed)

[My last attempt was embarassingly bug-ridden -- I thought I had tested it, 
but obviously I had not...]

Noting some of the comments received, I've updated my file->URI mapping 

      * Convert filename string to a URI.
      * Map system-dependent path separator characters to '/'.
      * %-escape non-URI characters
      * %-escape characters which get special URI interpretation
      * For unix-like systems, the absolute filename begins with a '/'
      * and is preceded by "file://".
      * For other systems an extra '/' must be supplied.
     public static String uriFromFilename(
         String filename)
         StringBuffer mapfilename = new StringBuffer( filename ) ;
         String uriChars =           // See: 
                   // ":/?#[]@" +    // gen-delims
                   ":@" +            // selected gen-delims not %-encoded
                   "!$&'()*+,;=" +   // sub-delims
                   "-._~" ;          // unreserved
         char pathsep = System.getProperty("path.separator").charAt(0);
         for ( int i = 0 ; i < mapfilename.length() ; i++ )
             char c = mapfilename.charAt(i) ;
             if ( c == pathsep )
                 { // Replace filename path separator with '/'
                 mapfilename.replace( i, i+1, "/" ) ;
             if ( !Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) && uriChars.indexOf(c) < 0  )
                 { // %-encode non-URI and other special characters
                 String hv = ("0"+Integer.toHexString(c)) ;
                 mapfilename.replace( i, i+1, 
"%"+hv.substring(hv.length()-2) ) ;
                 i += 2 ;
         if (mapfilename.charAt(0) == '/')
             return "file://"+mapfilename.toString() ;
             return "file:///"+mapfilename.toString() ;

(I can't help feeling there's a better way to construct the escape sequence 

I'm trying to navigate a path to a useful and workable function that will 
work for most practical situations, rather than cover every corner case.


Graham Klyne
For email:

Received on Wednesday, 18 May 2005 13:42:41 UTC