Re: draft-kindberg-tag-uri

Hi Martin,

Thanks for the detailed comments. I'll look over all the suggested 
clarifications to the text in general but it's the URI/IRI issue that most 
concerns me. Every time I think I've understood the right way to treat this 
issue, you say something that suggests otherwise. It's happened again.

In a previous exchange with you I wrote:
 > I was looking for a way for tag to be internationalisation-compatible
 > while adding as little as possible to the spec except in the way of
 > external references to internationalisation specs. I had a closer look
 > at draft-duerst-iri-09 with that in mind.
 > In Section 3 intro and 3.1, you distinguish identifiers that are used
 > for resource retrieval from those that aren't.  Then in 5.1 you make
 > the distinction again, in the context of string comparison.
 > Well, tags are identifiers that are *not* used for resource retrieval.
 > So it seems to me that we fall squarely into the class of identifiers
 > for which it is "not necessary to map the IRI to a URI".
 > This matches my conception of how to treat tags from an
 > internationalisation perspective:  they always and only appear in their
 > IRI forms. So a Chinese tag would look like the example I sent
 > previously -- as a string of Chinese characters (with our separators in
 > between). There is no need to map that into a (2396bis) URI.
 > So I propose to add a little text on Internationalisation as an
 > addendum to our syntax, referring to your IRI draft and saying that our
 > domain name component may be replaced by a IDN (refer to RFC3490);
 > that, when the left -hand side of email addresses gets an international
 > standard, that could be used instead; and that the "specific" part of
 > the tag may be any string of "ipchar" (your draft).
 > I don't think I need to mention percent-encoded UTF-8 (or such) at all.
 > I know the emphasis in the syntactic detail is then rather one-sided,
 > but I'm trying to be pragmatic.

In response to that, you seemed to agree with me. But in your comments on 
draft 06 below you have put pct-encoded syntax in!

What is it I'm missing in thinking that (URI) tags containing pct-encoded 
characters are:
(a) self-defeating -- tags are supposed to be tractable for humans
(b) redundant -- it's never necessary to turn a tag containing, say, 
Chinese characters into URI form; we need be sure only that it's in 
canonical form and thus comparable with other tags.



Martin Duerst wrote:

>Hello Tim,
>Finally I get around to comment on the newest version of your TAG draft,
>a pre-draft at
>The main comment is that you try to have two separate definitions,
>one for TAG URIs and the other for TAG IRIs, but that isn't how the
>URI spec and the IRI spec work. For further background, please also
>see the issue and discussion at
>I also give some comments on general issues that I found, mostly
>At 13:27 04/08/24 +0900, Martin Duerst wrote:
>>Network Working Group                                        T. Kindberg
>>Internet-Draft                               Hewlett-Packard Corporation
>>Expires: January 27, 2005                                       S. Hawke
>>                                                World Wide Web Consortium
>>                                                            July 29, 2004
>>                           The 'tag' URI scheme
>>                        draft-kindberg-tag-uri-06
>[snip] [also snipped all page breaks]
>>    This document describes the "tag" Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
>>    scheme,
>This comma is somewhat confusing. It's probably best to end the sentence
>here and integrate the points in the remaining clause into the rest of
>the paragraph.
>>for identifiers that are unique across space and time.  Tag
>>    URIs (also known as "tags") are distinct from most other URIs in that
>>    there is no authoritative resolution mechanism.  A tag may be used
>>    purely as an entity identifier.  Unlike UUIDs or GUIDs
>Abbreviations shouldn't appear without expansion. (see RFC guidelines)
>Also, there should be references for these terms, but referencing
>doesn't fit well into an abstract. I'd concentrate on the description
>of tags themselves in the abstract, in positive terms (what tags do,
>not what they don't), and put comparision with other schemes into a
>section in the body of the document, with references.
>>such as "uuid"
>So the uuid scheme is an UUID? Or a GUID? Or both? Some readers
>will be confused by such minor term differences without clear
>>    URIs and "urn:oid" URIs, tags are designed to be tractable to humans.
>>    Furthermore, using tags has some advantages over the common practice
>>    of using "http" URIs as identifiers for non-HTTP-accessible
>>    resources.
>>1.  Introduction
>>    A tag is a type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) [1] designed to
>>    meet the following requirements:
>>    1.  Identifiers are likely to be unique across space and time,
>How likely? Very likely? Designed to make it easy to be?
>>        come from a practically inexhaustible supply.
>>    2.  Identifiers are relatively convenient for humans to mint
>>        (create), read, type, remember etc.
>>    3.  No registration is necessary,
>-> no central registration is necessary
>>at least for holders of domain
>>        names or email addresses;
>I think that each such holder who creates tags has to keep their
>own registry to avoid local conflicts. The draft should be quite
>a bit more explicit about this.
>>and there is negligible cost to mint
>>        each new identifier.
>>    4.  The identifiers are independent of any particular resolution
>>        scheme.
>>    For example, the above requirements may apply in the case of a user
>>    who wants to place identifiers on their documents:
>These are the requirements met by tags, yes? It'd be better
>to just say so.
>>    a.  They
>Who? The documents? The identifiers? The users? Please rework the
>whole list so that all the items follow the same syntactic structure.
>>want to be reasonably sure that the identifier is unique.
>>        Global uniqueness is valuable because it prevents identifiers
>>        from becoming unintentionally ambiguous.
>>    b.  It is useful for the identifier to be tractable to humans:
>'to humans' -> 'by humans'?
>>        should be able to mint new identifiers conveniently, and to type
>>        them into emails and forms.
>For more aspects of this (memorize,...), see the 'overview and motivation'
>section of IRIs.
>>    c.  They do not want to have to communicate with anyone else in order
>>        to mint identifiers for their documents.
>>    d.  The user wants to avoid identifiers that might be taken to imply
>>        the existence of an electronic resource accessible via a default
>>        resolution mechanism, when no such electronic resource exists.
>>    Existing identification schemes satisfy some but not all of the
>>    general requirements above.
>Why 'general'? I read it as if these requirements would always apply.
>>For example:
>>    UUIDs [8], [9] are hard for humans to read.
>>    OIDs [10], [11] and Digital Object Identifiers [12] require naming
>>    authorities to register themselves,
>'themselves': If the identifiers register themselves, that would be
>great. But the problem is that registration requires work by
>an user.
>>even if they already hold a
>>    domain name registration.
>So 'they' is users, not ids? But users don't register themselves,
>they register some ids or schemes,...
>>    URLs (in particular, "http" URLs) are sometimes used as identifiers
>>    that satisfy most of our requirements.
>'our': Who is 'we'? Better avoid.
>>Many users and organisations
>>    have already registered a domain name, and the use of the domain name
>>    to mint identifiers comes at no additional cost.  But there are
>>    drawbacks to URLs-as-identifiers:
>>    o  An attempt may be made to resolve a URL-as-identifier, even though
>>       there is no resource accessible at the "location".
>>    o  Domain names change hands and the new assignee of a domain name
>>       can't be sure that they are minting new names.  For example, if
>> is assigned first to a user Smith and then to a user
>>       Jones, there is no systematic way for Jones to tell whether Smith
>>       has already used a particular identifier such as http://
>>    o  Entities could rely on
>add: or a similar service.
>Also, use '' rather than just '', or provide
>a reference.
>>as a (first-come, first-served)
>>       assigner of unique URIs; but a solution without reliance upon
>>       another entity such as the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC,
>>       which runs may be preferable.
>>    Lastly, many entities -- especially individuals -- are assignees of
>>    email addresses but not domain names.  It would be preferable to
>>    enable those entities to mint unique identifiers.
>>2.  Tag Syntax and Rules
>>    This section first specifies the syntax of tag URIs and gives
>>    examples.  It then describes a set of rules for minting tags designed
>>    to make them unique.  Finally, it discusses the resolution and
>>    comparison of tags.
>>2.1  Tag Syntax and Examples
>>    The general syntax of a tag URI, in ABNF, is:
>You need a reference to the ABNF RFC
>and to check the ABNF with some tool
>(see advice to Internet Draft and RFC authors).
>>       tagURI        = "tag:" taggingEntity ":" [specific]
>Is it possible for 'specific' to be empty? In that case,
>is the ':' necessary? Is there any specific meaning for
>this case? If this is allowed, please provide an example.
>Also, later, 'specific' is defined as *(...),
>so the [] parentheses are not at all necessary.
>>    Where:
>>       taggingEntity = authorityName "," date
>>       authorityName = DNSname / emailAddress
>>       date          = 4dig ["-" 2dig ["-" 2dig ]] ; see ISO8601 [2]
>It would be much clearer if this were:
>        date          = year ["-" month ["-" day ]] ; see ISO8601 [2]
>and then
>        year          = 4*DIGIT
>        month         = "01" / "02" / "03" / ...
>        day           = ("0" %x31-39) / (("1" / "2") DIGIT) / "30" / "31"
>or some such. This easily catches a lot of illegal stuff, and makes
>the semantics much more obvious.
>>       DNSname       = DNScomp / DNSname "." DNScomp  ; see RFC1035 [3]
>It's much better to write this rule in a non-recursive fashion:
>        DNSname       = DNScomp *( "." DNScomp )
>And you better don't cite RFC 1035 directly.
>>       DNScomp       = alphaNum [*(alphaNum /"-") alphaNum]
>To allow Internationalized Domain Names, you have to add
>pct-encoded here:
>        DNScomp       = dnsChar [*(dnsChar / "-") dnsChar]
>        dnsChar       = alphaNum / pct-encoded
>>       emailAddress  = 1*(alphaNum /"-"/"."/"_") "@" DNSname
>I'd strongly recommend to also add pct-encoded here, making this
>future-proof for potential internationalization of the LHS:
>        emailAddress  = 1*(alphaNum /"-"/"."/"_"/pct-encoded) "@" DNSname
>>       alphaNum      = DIGIT / ALPHA
>>       specific      = *( pchar / "/" / "?" ) ; pchar from RFCXXXX [1]
>pchar includes pct-encoded, so this is okay in terms of basic syntax.
>>       ALPHA         = %x41-5A / %x61-7A ; any char in the range "A"-"Z"
>>       or "a"-"z"
>>       DIGIT         = %x30-39 ; any char in the range "0" through "9"
>Just import ALPHA and DIGIT from the ABNF RFC, don't repeat them here.
>At this point, you should say some general things about pct-encoded.
>What you want to say probably is:
>- pct-encoded (including in the case of pchar) is only allowed for
>   octets above %7F.
>- pct-encoded (including in the case of pchar) is only allowed in
>   sequences that are valid UTF-8 octet sequences.
>- pct-encoded is used to encode characters using UTF-8.
>- There may be additional restrictions for each of the components
>   allowing pct-encoded.
>- That pct-encoded is only allowed to allow the minting of tag IRIs,
>   but that tags created as URIs from the start should/must never
>   contain any pct-encoded pieces, and that tag IRIs also should/must
>   never contain any pct-encoded pieces.
>>    The component "taggingEntity" is the name space part of the URI.  To
>>    avoid ambiguity, the domain name in "authorityName" (whether an email
>>    address or a simple domain name) MUST be fully qualified.  It is
>>    RECOMMENDED that the domain name should be in lowercase form.
>>    Alternative formulations of the same authority name will be counted
>>    as distinct
>'counted' -> 'treated', or even better just say that these *are*
>different tags.
>>and hence tags containing them will be unequal (see
>>    Section 2.4).  For example, tags beginning ",2000:" are
>>    never equal to those beginning ",2000:", even though they
>>    refer to the same domain name.
>>    Authority names could, in principle, belong to any syntactically
>>    distinct namespaces whose names are assigned to a unique entity at a
>>    time.  Those include, for example, certain IP addresses, certain MAC
>>    addresses, and telephone numbers.  However, to simplify the tag
>>    scheme, we restrict authority names to be domain names and email
>>    addresses.  Future standards efforts may allow use of other authority
>>    names following syntax that is disjoint from this syntax.  To allow
>>    for such developments, software that processes tags MUST NOT reject
>>    them on the grounds that they are outside the syntax for
>>    authorityName defined above.
>Here, say that a DNSName must, after decoding of percent-encoding and
>interpretation of the resulting octet sequence as UTF-8,
>be an Internationalized Domain Name according to IDNA [RFC 3490].
>You may also want to say that a DNSName, after decoding of
>percent-encoding and interpretation of the resulting octet sequence
>as UTF-8, should be normalized as defined by Nameprep [RFC 3491] to
>avoid producing TAGs that look very similar but are not the same.
>Also, say that pct-encoded is allowed on the left hand side of
>emailAddress (before the "@") for future-compatibility, and is only
>to be used if and when there is an IETF Standards-Track document
>specifying how internationalized email address left hand sides
>are handled.
>>    The component "specific" is the name-space-specific part of the URI:
>>    it is a string of URI characters (see restrictions in syntax
>>    specification) chosen by the minter of the URI.  It is RECOMMENDED
>>    that specific identifiers should be human-friendly.
>Add some text here that after decoding of percent-encoding and
>interpretation of the resulting octet sequence as UTF-8,
>"specific" should be in NFC and preferably even in NFKC.
>>    Examples of tag URIs are:
>An example without 'specific', and some I18N examples, should be added
>(I can help).
>>2.2  Rules for Minting Tags
>>    As Section 2.1 has specified, each tag consists of a "tagging entity"
>>    followed, optionally, by a specific identifier.  The tagging entity
>>    is designated by an "authority name" -- a fully qualified domain name
>>    or an email address containing a fully qualified domain name --
>>    followed by a date.  The date is chosen to make the tagging entity
>>    globally unique, exploiting the fact that domain names and email
>>    addresses are assigned to at most one entity at a time.  That entity
>>    then ensures that it mints unique identifiers.
>The following paragraph can be reworded (and probably simplified)
>once the chances to the syntax rules have been made.
>>    The date specifies, according to the Gregorian calendar and UTC, any
>>    particular day on which the authority name was assigned to the
>>    tagging entity at 00:00 UTC (the start of the day).  The date MAY be
>>    a past or present date on which the authority name was assigned at
>>    that moment.  The date is specified using one of the "YYYY",
>>    "YYYY-MM" and "YYYY-MM-DD" formats allowed by the ISO 8601 standard
>>    [2].  The tag specification permits no other formats.  Tagging
>>    entities MUST ascertain the date with sufficient accuracy
>>    to avoid accidentally using a date on which the authority name was
>>    not in fact assigned (many computers and mobile devices have poorly
>>    synchronised clocks).  The date MUST be reckoned from UTC -- which
>>    may differ from the date in the tagging entity's local timezone at
>>    00:00 UTC.
>I think some readers may be confused by "reckoned from UTC". Why not
>just say that the date is always in UTC?
>>That distinction can generally be safely ignored in
>>    practice, but not on the day of the authority name's assignment.  In
>>    principle it would otherwise be possible on that day for the previous
>>    assignee and the new assignee to use the same date and thus mint the
>>    same tags.
>>    In the interests of brevity, the month and day default to 01.  A day
>>    value of 01 MAY be omitted; a month value of 01 MAY be omitted unless
>>    it is followed by a day value other than 01.
>I'd quote all the 01 (i.e. "01") for easier readability. It is easy here
>to confuse MAY with the month of May.
>>For example, "2001-07"
>>    is the date 2001-07-01 and "2000" is the date 2000-01-01.  All date
>>    formulations specify a moment (00:00 UTC) of a single day, and not a
>>    period of a day or more such as "the whole of July 2001" or "the
>>    whole of 2000".  Assignment at that moment is all that is required to
>>    use a given date formulation.
>formulation -> format? or just 'use a given date'?
>>    Tagging entities should be aware that alternative formulations of the
>>    same date will be counted as distinct and hence tags containing them
>>    will be unequal.  For example, tags beginning ",2000:" are
>>    never equal to those beginning ",2000-01-01:", even though
>>    they refer to the same date (see Section 2.4).
>Here and elsewhere: The IETF prefers to use domain names such as
>>    An entity MUST NOT mint tags under an authority name that was
>>    assigned to a different entity at 00:00 UTC on the given date, and it
>>    MUST NOT mint tags under a future date.
>>    An entity that acquires an authority name immediately after a period
>>    during which the name was unassigned MAY mint tags as if the entity
>>    was assigned the name during the unassigned period.  This practice
>>    has considerable potential for error and MUST NOT be used unless the
>>    entity has substantial evidence that the name was unassigned during
>>    that period.  The authors are currently unaware of any mechanism that
>>    would count as evidence, other than daily polling of the "whois"
>>    registry.
>>    For example, Hewlett-Packard holds the domain registration for
>>    and may mint any tags rooted at that name with a current or past date
>>    when it held the registration.  It must not mint tags such as
>>    ",2001:" under domain names not registered to it.
>>    It must not mint tags dated in the future, such as
>>    ",2999:".  If it obtains assignment of
>>    "" on 2001-05-01, then it must not
>>    mint tags under ",2001-04-01" unless
>>    it has evidence proving that that name was continuously unassigned
>>    between 2001-04-01 and 2001-05-01.
>>    A tagging entity mints specific identifiers that are unique within
>>    its context, in accordance with any internal scheme that uses only
>>    URI characters.  Some tagging entities (e.g.  corporations, mailing
>>    lists) consist of many people, in which case group decision-making
>>    and record-keeping procedures SHOULD be used to achieve uniqueness.
>Record-keeping is important for individuals, too.
>>2.3  Resolution of Tags
>>    There is no authoritative resolution mechanism for tags.  Unlike most
>>    other URIs, tags can only be used as identifiers, and are not
>>    designed to support resolution.  If authoritative resolution is a
>>    desired feature, a different URI scheme should be used.
>>2.4  Equality of Tags
>>    Tags are simply strings of characters and are considered equal if and
>>    only if they are completely indistinguishable in their machine
>>    representations.  That is, one can compare tags for equality by
>>    comparing the numeric codes of their characters, in sequence, for
>>    numeric equality.  This equality-criterion allows for simplification
>equality-criterion -> equality criterion
>>    of tag-handling software, which does not have to transform tags in
>>    any way to compare them.
>>3.  Internationalisation
>>    So far, we have considered tags as URIs, which are represented in a
>>    subset of US-ASCII characters.  As befits our requirement for
>>    identifiers to be tractable to humans, tags can also be minted as
>The 'can also be minted as' probably needs some more explanation.
>In general, any uri scheme that allows pct-encoded in the right way can
>also be used with IRIs. See below.
>>    Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs) [4].  That is, they can
>>    be minted in languages that use any characters from the Universal
>>    Character Set.
>Does a tag have a language? I think it's better to just say:
>they can be minted using any characters from ...
>The following procedure can probably be removed. If not, the following
>details should be fixed:
>>    The procedure for minting tags as IRIs is to use the specification of
>>    Section 2 but with the following syntactic changes:
>>    o  An International Domain Name (IDN) [5] represented according to
>>       the rules of 'nameprep' [6] may be used in place of a domain name
>>       in authorityName.  That includes a domain name appearing on the
>>       right-hand side of an email address.
>>    o  If a standard arises for expressing email addresses in
>>       international form -- that is, including the left-hand side of
>>       email addresses -- then that form will be allowed in
>>       authorityName.
>>    o  An international authorityName MUST appear in at least Normalized
>>       Form C (NFC) and SHOULD appear in Normalized Form KC (NFKC) [7].
>This should not be necessary, because Nameprep takes care of this.
>But it may be a good thing to say for 'specific'.
>>    o  The specific component of a tag IRI may be any string allowed by
>>       the ABNF term *( ipchar / "/" / "?" ) defined in [4].
>I recommend adding some normalization restrictions here, for the benefit
>of transcribability,...
>>    Two tag IRIs are equal if and only if they are identical as character
>>    sequences -- and thus that their machine representations are
>>    identical when using the same character encodings.
>It may be a good idea to repeat here explicitly that:
>- The use of pct-encoding in the syntax rules is only allowed in
>   order to define the syntax of IRIs allowed in the tag scheme.
>- pct-encoding should not be used in tags generated using only
>   US-ASCII characters.
>- pct-encoding should not be used in tags generated including
>   non-ASCII characters (i.e. IRIs).
>- A tag IRI is not equivalent to the tag URI resulting after
>   mapping the IRI to an URI according to Section 3.1 of [IRI].
>   To reduce any problems resulting from this:
>   - tags should be used mainly with technology that can transport and
>     handle IRIs (such as RDF).
>   - If tags are temporarily converted to URIs because they have
>     to be passed to some infrastructure that isn't able to handle
>     IRIs, they should be converted back to IRIs when being recived
>     back from that infrastructure.
>>4.  Security Considerations
>>    Minting a tag, by itself, is an operation internal to the tagging
>>    entity with no external consequences.  The consequences of using an
>>    improperly minted tag (due to malice or error) in an application
>>    depends on the application, and must be considered in the design of
>>    any application that uses tags.
>>    There is a significant possibility of minting errors by people who
>>    fail to apply the rules governing dates, or who use a shared
>>    (organizational) authority-name without prior organization-wide
>>    agreement.  Tag-aware software MAY help catch and warn against these
>>    errors.  As stated in Section 2, however, to allow for future
>>    expansion, software MUST NOT reject tags which do not conform to the
>>    syntax specified in Section 2.
>>    A malicious party could make it appear that the same domain name or
>>    email address was assigned to each of two or more entities.  Tagging
>>    entities SHOULD use reputable assigning authorities, and verify
>>    assignment wherever possible.
>>    Entities SHOULD also avoid the potential for malicious exploitation
>>    of clock skew, by using authority names that were assigned
>>    continuously from well before to well after 00:00 UTC on the date
>>    chosen for the tagging entity -- preferably by intervals in the order
>>    of days.
>>5.  References
>>5.1  Normative References
>>    [1]  Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R. and L. Masinter, "Uniform Resource
>>         Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax (Note to the RFC Editor: Please
>>         update this reference with the RFC resulting from
>>         draft-fielding-uri-rfc2396bis-xx.txt, and remove this Note)",
>>         draft-fielding-uri-rfc2396bis-06 (work in progress), July 2004.
>>    [2]  "Data elements and interchange formats -- Information
>>         interchange -- Representation of dates and   times", ISO
>>         (International Organization for Standardization) ISO 8601:1988,
>>         1988.
>>    [3]  Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - implementation and
>>         specification", STD 13, RFC 1035, November 1987.
>>    [4]  Duerst, M. and M. Suignard, "Internationalized Resource
>>         Identifiers (IRIs)", draft-duerst-iri-09 (work in progress),
>>         July 2004.
>      This should have a similar RFC Editor comment as [1].
>>    [5]  Faltstrom, P., Hoffman, P. and A. Costello, "Internationalizing
>>         Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)", RFC 3490, March 2003.
>>    [6]  Hoffman, P. and M. Blanchet, "Nameprep: A Stringprep Profile for
>>         Internationalized Domain Names (IDN)", RFC 3491, March 2003.
>>    [7]  Duerst, M. and M. Davis, "Unicode Normalization Forms", Unicode
>>         Standard Annex #15
>>         tr15-23.html, April 2003.
>>5.2  Informative References
>>    [8]   Leach, P. and R. Salz, "UUIDs and GUIDs", draft-leach-uuids-01
>>          (work in progress), 1997.
>>    [9]   "Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Remote
>>          Procedure Call (RPC)", ISO (International Organization for
>>          Standardization) ISO/IEC 11578:1996, 1996.
>>    [10]  "Specification of abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1)", ITU-T
>>          recommendation X.208,  (see also RFC 1778), 1988.
>>    [11]  Mealling, M., "A URN Namespace of Object Identifiers", RFC
>>          3061, February 2001.
>>    [12]  Paskin, N., "Information Identifiers", Learned Publishing Vol.
>>          10, No. 2, pp. 135-156,  (see also, April 1997.
>Regards,    Martin.


Tim Kindberg
hewlett-packard laboratories
filton road
stoke gifford
bristol bs34 8qz
voice +44 (0)117 312 9920
fax ++44 (0)117 312 8003

Received on Saturday, 4 September 2004 01:59:03 UTC