Re: Are we done with draft-hoffman-ftp-uri-02.txt?

Alun Jones wrote:

> When you say "manual session", what do you mean?  For
> instance, "ftp.exe" is going to depend on your OS - but
> under Windows, ftp.exe knows nothing about URLs.

A command line session.  Simple tools might handle ftp URLs
with the command line version of ftp (using a .netrc file
for the login and/or redirections).  I said "manual" because
ftppm.exe is a GUI tool, not a command line tool like ftp.exe

Actually I only wanted to see what these tools do if I
never use a CD / CHDIR.  Of course this test series makes
no sense, we'd need different _servers_ to see why some
old clients do a dummy CD / breaking the spec.  If there
is a reason for this misbehaviour.  Maybe it's just a bug.

                     Bye, Frank

Received on Monday, 1 November 2004 18:20:25 UTC