Re: Announcement: The "info" URI Scheme

Daniel R. Tobias scripsit:

> > A fine thing indeed.  How would you formally characterize the
> > relationship of the above URI to Shakespeare?
> Easy...  It's a URI that at one point led to a bunch of bytes that,
> when displayed in the appropriate image viewer, resembled some
> artist's conception of what Shakespeare looked like.

Dereference the (cached) URL!

> At present, it
> leads to a 404 Not Found page that has no obvious connection with the
> Bard.

Let's neglect that, and consider what it "meant" in its heyday.

> It's not "the URI of Shakespeare", or even (any more) "a URI
> to an image of Shakespeare"; any connection that URI might have to
> the playwright is in the minds of those who may have used or linked
> to it, not anything inherent in the URI itself.

Clearly not inherent in the URI itself.  But what connection does the
*resource* (not the URI, not the representation) have with Shakespeare?

What is the sound of Perl?  Is it not the       John Cowan
sound of a [Ww]all that people have stopped
banging their head against?  --Larry  

Received on Thursday, 2 October 2003 12:11:16 UTC