Re: Comparing URIs and resources

On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 04:22, Graham Klyne wrote:
> I agree that equality of URIs is well understood (enough for most purposes).
> At risk of (re)stating the obvious:  I think we should not conflate 
> equality of *identifiers* (URIs) with equality of the *resources* that they 
> identify, unless such conflation is to be stated explicitly as part of the 
> design.

Yep. Completely agree....

> My view is that, according to the URI specification, given two different 
> URIs we simply do not know whether or not they identify the same resource.

Exactly! The only mild exception is that you compare the two URIs after
you've done the _standard_ normalization steps available. Then if you
determine that the character sequences are indeed the same then you
simply have one single URI instead of two....


Received on Thursday, 10 July 2003 10:13:11 UTC