Re: Criticism of Kidcode (was Re: KidCode: Next steps )

Kee Hinkley wrote:
> At 1:54 PM 6/20/95, Stephen D. Williams wrote:
> >>
> >> At 3:41 PM 6/19/95, lilley wrote:
> >> >Those influential (and monied) groups who care about such things can the> n
> >> >finance the proxies and their URC resolvers to implement whatever type
> >> >of cens^H^H^H^Hfiltering is desired.
> >>
> >> A proxy based system really doesn't scale, money or no-money.

I would like to see some backup for this rather bold assertion.

> >I think you're wrong: All ISP's, companies, and Internet sites with more
> >than a few users should have proxies for http, ftp, nntp (Newsservers
> >are the most common proxy of course).  Of course single global proxies
> >don't work, but neither would a small set of central news servers.

> Single global proxies are what was mentioned as an alternative.

If you were referring to my original post, then no I was _not_ talking 
about a single global proxy to solve this! I was talking about local proxies
used to filter requests (and act as a local cache, of course) by talking
to a URC server. I do not see how that would not scale. The URC servers would 
of course be replicated, and communicate SAPs using peer networking - rather 
like the Harvest system.

Chris Lilley, Technical Author
|       Manchester and North HPC Training & Education Centre        |
| Computer Graphics Unit,             Email: |
| Manchester Computing Centre,        Voice: +44 161 275 6045       |
| Oxford Road, Manchester, UK.          Fax: +44 161 275 6040       |
| M13 9PL                            BioMOO: ChrisL                 |
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|     "The first W in WWW will not wait."   François Yergeau        |

Received on Tuesday, 20 June 1995 14:15:03 UTC