Re: URA headsup

Thus spoke Larry Masinter:   (at least on May 31 at  8:38pm)

[Leslie Daigle said]
> > As author of the paper on it, let me jump in...  It was not _my_ impression
> > after the last IETF meeting that we at Bunyip were the only people who
> > saw the URA work as more than "extended-URLs-with-lots-of-features".  
> I'd like to hear from other WG members on this. I don't think that's
> an unreasonable request.

I think that scripting could be a very important part of the Internet
UR architecture, and it seems to be more than just URLs++. Whether URAs
meet the scripting needs of the UR architecture is hard to say. The current
I-D on URAs is less than illuminating, so I hope Leslie will revise
it as soon as she can. I suggest the URI-WG not close off discussion
in this area just yet.

Before I write off URAs as no more than tarted-up URLs, I would want to
see the revised I-D,a demo of the software, and have a chance to ask
Leslie questions. (Leslie, can you demo the system to us at Stockholm?)

An ugly question - if we decide that the UR architecture can benefit
from a scripting capability, shouldn't we have a requirements document
before we have a specification?

Ron Daniel Jr.                     email:    
Advanced Computing Lab             voice: (505) 665 0597
MS B287                              fax: (505) 665 4939
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM  87545          tautology:"Conformity is very popular"

Received on Friday, 2 June 1995 12:43:26 UTC