Re: URI Revised charter proposal

On Fri, 7 Jul 1995, Ronald E. Daniel wrote:

> Chris Weider expressed an opposing view when he said:
> * I agree completely that this is an urgently necessary task. Cecilia
> * Preston and others working on the CNI White Paper on Metadata have already
> * done a lot of this work; perhaps they could be persuaded to help out on 
> * this project.
> For what it is worth, I would like to see such an informational
> RFC produced, but not as part of the URI-WG. Stu Weibel is setting
> up a bar-bof for metadata. I suggest that at that bof we talk
> about a more specific charter for a metadata working group. This
> sort of informational RFC could be one of the products that group
> is chartered to develop, along with recommendations for use of
> metadata on the Internet.

We would be very interested in such a Group, and would 
welcome the opportunity to contribute to its work.

In this context 'we' is the ROADS project, a nationally funded UK
initiative which is developing a common platform for
several subject-based resource discovery services being supported as
part of the UK Electronic Libraries Programme 

See <URL:> for more info on ROADS.

UKOLN will also be doing more work in this area.

----------------------  Lorcan Dempsey
ph: +44 (0)1225 826254  UKOLN: the UK Office for Library & Info Networking
fx: +44 (0)1225 826838  University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, UK

Received on Friday, 7 July 1995 13:48:14 UTC