Electronic documents, referencing standard


Thought the URC folks might be interested in this one.  I do not believe it
is available on-line.


>From niso-l:

The proposed ISO standard for Citations to Electronic Documents (DIS 690-2)
is now out for review.

You are invited to review the standard and comment. Your comments will be con-
sidered in formulating the U.S. vote on this proposed international standard.

The standard describes how to create references to electronic monographs, data-
bases and computer programs, electronic serials, electronic bulletin boards,
and email. It prescribes an order for the elements of a reference and esta-
blishes conventions for the transcription and presentation of information de-
rived from the source electronic document. Many examples illustrate the text.

The comment period closes November 15.
The cost per copy is $35.
To order you copy of DIS 690-2 contact:
NISO Press Fulfillment
Telephone: 800-282-6476 or 654-2512.
Fax: 301-567-9553

Comments on the draft should be sent to NISO at nisohq@cni.org or mailed to:
NISO, 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300, Bethesda, MD 20814.

Received on Tuesday, 1 August 1995 16:02:20 UTC