Missing files from the Animation test suite?

I was going through the dozen or so animation-related files from the SVG
test suite, extracted from the Zip file made available from your site
<http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/> .  However, it would appear that
the file animation-extRef-BE-13.svg is referencing three external SVG
files, none of which appear in the Zip file.  The files are named
animation-extRef-imageX.svg, where 'X' ranges from 1 to 3.
Also, the SVG Conformance Test page for that same test appears to be
missing those 3 SVG files as well:
Are these files available through other means?   If so, may I ask where
I can obtain them?  Thanks in advance!
Rick Mutzke
Corel Corporation

Received on Friday, 26 April 2002 15:31:15 UTC