Re: Editor's notes

On 2/22/2017 2:12 PM, fantasai wrote:
> So, here's a question: is there a reason why ednotes should not use 
> .issue styling?
> (Because, as I mentioned, the CSSWG has been getting along fine with 
> using .issue for this class of usage.)
I think several people in the thread have said they understand notes, 
ednotes, and issues to each have distinct semantics from each other. 
While not all groups use all those semantics, some do and we should 
preserve the feature. So I don't think ednotes should have issue 
styling. I'd just suggest orange to use the familiar traffic light 
metaphor, of notes being green meaning you don't need to worry much, 
issues being red meaning you should look out, and ednotes being orange 
or yellow meaning something in between. And of course, preserve the 
distinct "Editorial Note" title when put in by tools. Michael

Received on Wednesday, 22 February 2017 19:27:47 UTC