Re: [restyle] Questionnaire wrt Redesign of the W3C Spec Templates

sounds awesome.

Another thing that might make online reading great would be folding.  I wonder how it would feel to have (a) ‘twist-downs’ on each header, to show/hide the contents and (b) some way to say that for the whole document, I want to see headers of say sections 1, 2, 3, and the header and content of 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, but not 1.2…

So, assuming each chapter has an intro sub-section, this gives you an overview of the document.

On Oct 14, 2014, at 3:03 , Robin Berjon <> wrote:

> On 13/10/2014 19:53 , David Singer wrote:
>> For a spec. of any size, I think we could do much better at providing
>> (automatically) navigation help etc.  Perhaps that includes the
>> multi-page/one-page choices.  For me it also includes (a) knowing
>> where anchors are, so I can point at them from the outside (if they
>> are not part of the index, it’s not evident they are there).
>> Something that is probably more than ReSpec and is surely more than
>> styling would be to make it much easier to know where concepts are
>> used — ‘backlinks’ (this anchor is referred to from X, Y, Z), and so
>> on.
> About a year ago I spent some time hacking on a small script called "specstatic":
> I haven't had time to pursue it properly, but the goal was to offer out of the box enhancements for all specs (not just ReSpec generated, anything that relies on some minimal conventions), including:
>  - Built-in dialog to submit new bugs
>  - Make all headers easily linkable with a permalink indicator (though that might be best supported by generators directly)
>  - Make <dfn> popup a list of places where the definition is used.
>  - Make bibrefs link back to their usage instances.
>  - Inject a more readable style than what is used on TR that people could optionally turn on (and that would stick through a cookie).
>  - Highlight other instances of a variable in an algorithm when one is hovered.
> And likely a bunch of other niceties that I forget about. I will probably return to it at some point, in the meantime feel free to grab, fork, dissect, replace, etc. if you think it's useful.
> -- 
> Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

David Singer
Manager, Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 14 October 2014 16:16:20 UTC