Re: Tools to revive an old-ish TR and convert it to an RFC?

> A little XSLT would no doubt take you a good deal of the way, though
> I'm not aware of any existing XSLT for that purpose.

As it happens [for reasons that we need not go in to :-(] I found myself
with the diff marked output of xmlspec in XHTML but not the
corresponding source.

So just yesterday I hacked a bit of XSLT to convert it back into
xmlspec. You're welcome to have it, with the obvious caveats that it's
really rather ad-hoc, it's "designed" with the output of xmlspec XSLT in
mind, especially the convention on divs (header, body, back; how divs of
particular classes wrap sections; the nuances of how bibrefs, specrefs
and locs appear, assumptions about there being a single class in any
class attribute, etc. etc. etc.)

That said, it may be a starting point, especially if one were to write
something that did some of the div wrapping.


Received on Thursday, 10 May 2007 15:02:42 UTC