Re: Editing tools

On Wed, 7 Mar 2001, Paul Grosso wrote:

Dreamweaver - clean roundtrip of code, no XHTML specific support i think,
widely used. Macintosh / Windows

Amaya - XHTML support, Windows/Unix

XMLSpy - XML support (XML+CSS?), Windows

Xmetal -XML support (XML+CSS), Windows

Epic Editor - XML support, Windows/Unix (does it do some form of "wysiwyg" -
XML+CSS or something?)

  What does "clean roundtrip" mean?

Keeping the source that is imported. For example, Amaya makes things valid,
Netscape Composer makes things invalid, and Dreamweaver just leaves them
alone (until you edit).

Received on Wednesday, 7 March 2001 15:12:51 UTC