Re: ANNOUNCE: XMLspec DTD Version 2.1

At 10:55 AM 4/14/00 +0100, David Carlisle wrote:
>Do you have copies of the current MathML spec stylesheets?
>They are available (W3C access) at
>but I could send copies to anyone without access if that is a problem.
>Hopefully we could rebuild our  HTML one as an extension importing any
>`canonical' HTML sheet. Currently it is a much modified sheet based
>originally on Eduardo Gutentag's xmlspec.xsl.

I've copied Ben and Chris; hopefully they can steal some stuff from your 
stylesheet wholesale.

>Also there is an XSL sheet going to latex that is used for the two
>pdf versions of the mathml spec but would probably work for any other
>xmlspec based document. If I thought anyone would use it we could
>redo this as a `canonical' sheet for xmlspec which is imported by a
>mathml specific stylesheet.

I think it would be cool to offer this output option.  (The original XML 
spec was made available in a bunch of page-oriented forms, but since then 
few specs have done it.)

>Also at the above URL is a stylesheet that converts an XSL stylesheet
>that writes HTML to one that writes XHTML (taking care of compatibility
>issues like avoiding <hr/>) This is used for the XHTML version of the
>mathml spec.


I will add a mention of your stylesheets to the next rev of the documentation.


Eve Maler                                    +1 781 442 3190
Sun Microsystems XML Technology Center    elm @

Received on Friday, 14 April 2000 09:18:42 UTC