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From: Ted Wugofski <Ted.Wugofski@OTMP.com>
To: "Philipp Hoschka (E-mail)" <ph@w3.org>,
        "Warner Ten Kate (E-mail)"
Subject: Help with endsync
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 00:22:25 -0600
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Philip, Warner,

Pardon my ignorance, but is the following SMIL spec text accurate:

<!-start clip ->
A "par" element has an implicit end that depends on the value of the
"endsync" attribute. The implicit end is equal to the sum of the
effective begin of the "par" element and the implicit duration which is
derived as follows: 

(1) If the value of the "endsync" attribute is "last", or if the
"endsync" attribute is missing, the implicit duration of the "par"
element is the maximum of the desired durations of its children. 
(2) If the value of the "endsync" attribute is "first", the implicit
duration of the "par" element is the minimum of the desired durations of
its children. 
(3) If the value of the "endsync" attribute is an id-ref, the implicit
duration of the "par" element is equal to the desired duration of the
child referenced by the "id-ref". 

<!--end clip->

It seems to me that when the value of the "endsync" attribute is "last",
the implicit duration of the "par" element is not the maximum duration
of its children, but rather the difference between the effective begin
of the "par" and the implicit end of the "par" element's last child.
For example:

<par endsync="last">
  <audio id="a" dur=10s .../>
  <audio id="b" begin=7s dur=5s .../>

If the read the text correctly, the maximum of the desired durations of
its children is 10s (for object "a"). Therefore, the implicit duration
of the "par" element would be 10s.  It seems to me, that the implicit
duration of the "par" element *should be* 12s:

0s   5s   10s  15s
       |<-->| "b"
|<--------->| "par"

Am I missing something here?  I have a similar problem with the wording
for the "first" value.


- -------------------------------------------
Ted Wugofski         voice: +1 817 285 1853
Over the Moon        fax:   +1 817 285 9567 
Productions, Inc.    ted.wugofski@otmp.com
(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gateway)

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