tightening up description of "skip-content"

Philipp Hoschka (Philipp.Hoschka@sophia.inria.fr)
Thu, 11 Jun 1998 13:25:42 +0200

Message-Id: <199806111125.NAA01837@www45.inria.fr>
To: symm@w3.org
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 13:25:42 +0200
From: Philipp Hoschka <Philipp.Hoschka@sophia.inria.fr>
Subject: tightening up description of "skip-content"

The following should be clearer:

"If an empty element in SMIL version 1.0 becomes non-empty in a future
SMIL version, the "skip-content" attribute controls whether this content
is processed by a SMIL 1.0 player"

This should say:

"If an empty element in SMIL version 1.0 becomes non-empty in a future
SMIL version, the "skip-content" attribute controls whether this is 
ignored by the SMIL 1.0 player, or results in a syntax error"

In other words, the following example (from the testcases) should
always generate a syntax error:

     <img src="http://pages.prognet.com/onesies/robla/testcases/working/choose.jpg"

This doesn't change the semantics, since processing the content means:
processing it according to the rules laid down by the SMIL DTD, barring
eventual (declared) extensions.

Objections ?