introducing a w3c recommendation to improve the usability of password masking


Apologies if this is not the right channel to discuss this - I couldn't tell which category of those (link<>) my question belongs to.

As part of my research in Human-centered security at the University of Glasgow, we developed a mechanism that improves the usability of password masking. The idea is to distort text passwords in a way that exploits the human's visual memory traits to improve usability compared to traditional password masking techniques, while at the same time making the password difficult to observe by bystanders. The reason it improves usability is that the owner of the password is able to spot typos in the masked password, while for observers it is very difficult to reverse the distortions in their head. The project is called Passquerade and is summarized in this <2 minutes video:  You can download the paper from The paper was published at the top conference on Human-Computer Interaction.

I was looking for ways to encourage the adoption of Passquerade so that more people can benefit from it. I thought that maybe a way to do that is by trying to make it a w3c recommendation.

If you think that this is something that could be a w3c recommendation, could you elaborate on the process for that? Or direct me to the right person/set of steps to pursue that? I would be very thankful!

Best regards,

Dr. Mohamed Khamis
Lecturer at the School of Computing Science
University of Glasgow
Glasgow, G12 8RZ, UK

Tel +44 (0) 141 330 8078<>

Received on Monday, 27 May 2019 18:30:35 UTC