Trying to get help with group join UI issue

I couple of weeks ago tried creating an issue for a problem (see below),
then sent an email similar to this one, to I haven't had
a response, so today I tried to join this group again with the same
results, and then saw this site-comments email address.

Please can you forward the following issue, or tell me how to get help
with this.


theWebalyst (W3C username)
Unable to confirm affiliation 'None' is blocking joining Solid community

I just signed up to a free/public account and don't have any affiliation.

Trying to join the Solid community group:

If I click 'Sign contributor agreement' it says:
> Your request failed because you did not confirm your affiliation.
Please try again.

If I click 'try again' it takes me back to the join page.

I don't have any employment affiliation so have entered None and don't
understand if there is a way to confirm this, or if it just won't let
unaffiliated people join the Solid community group.

Any ideas?

PS I don't know what the 'Raised By' drop down should be so I left it as
is. Maybe I'm not supposed to know about this, but can't see how else to
find help. I got here by searching 'confirm affiliation' and found an
issue about the UI from 2013 I think.
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Received on Friday, 12 October 2018 07:03:05 UTC