Re: CSS feature request

Ho Roedy,

I think that you may wish to send this to Thanks!

 _ Ian

On Wed, 2008-06-25 at 04:24 -0700, Roedy Green wrote:
> This is not a site comment per se, but I could not find where I where
> I was supposed to send items for the "wishlist". Perhaps you could
> pass it on to the proper party.
> The big thing CSS is missing is named constants. You will find
> yourself mentioning the same colour or group of fonts, or font size
> over and over. You must make bulk search/replace changes. The problem
> is when two things temporarily, incidentally have the same colour, you
> cant change just some of them without manually examining each instance
> carefully. The problem is analogous to using literals in Java programs
> instead of named constants. 
> If you could simply assign a name to a colour, font  family group,
> font size etc, then you could make a change in only one place and have
> it ripple though the entire style sheet. 
> Until CSS develops this ability, or something equivalent, you might
> fudge it with a primitive macro preprocessor for CSS. However, such a
> scheme would have all the drawbacks any language preprocessor has. You
> would not be able to validate or edit the text with TopStyle, for
> example.
> Roedy Green 
> Canadian Mind Products 
> #101 - 2536 Wark Street 
> Victoria, BC CANADA V8T 4G8 
> (250) 361-9093 
Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

Received on Thursday, 26 June 2008 16:34:04 UTC