About standards and browsers


In fact I think the work you all do is necessary. There is a need to set
some standards, no doubt. But sometimes I think you set the wrong things.
One example is that it's officially not allowed to use tables for layouting.
Yes, it is possible without it. But what's the bad thing to make use of
tables for creating a layout, if it works?

Then, I was wondering how an organization like w3c can create rules and set
standards without that it even follows its own specifications. Here in the
attachment you receive an example, an output created by your html-validator.
Just for fun, I've stored this file and resent the downloaded file for
validating. The result was 30 errors that occured.

However, to send an improving comment, I'd like to advice the w3c to rather
create standards for the browsers, not only the developers. If I take a look
at Microsofts Internet Explorer, which doesn't really follow the standards,
it doesn't even support CSS, then I think it's time to take a look at the
browser's side, too. Only trying to change the behaviour of the developers
can't be the solution.
Every browser shows content completely differently. Why that? Because they
don't follow the standards. What I mean is that the solution isn't to adjust
the developers possibilities to the browser's capabilities, but the other
way round. That's one point to improve, hope I'm not the only one thinking
that way.

No offense, this reflects just my opinion.

Thank you for reading this and best regards.
Tobias S.

Received on Friday, 28 September 2007 01:25:05 UTC