Re: Spreading the word

Thank you for your comments. I forwarded them to the W3C Team.

At 19:01 -0400 8/27/03, joy bower wrote:
>Hi folks,
>Your work is very valuable. In the interest of making your work 
>accessible to all who need it, and with all due respect, the manner 
>in which you present your information online is absolutely counter 
>productive. In a word, it's inaccessible, from the standpoint of 
>usability or user-centered design. It is impossible to find what 
>you're looking for, the language and written style is impossible for 
>mere mortals and even web designers to understand (programmers may 
>possibly understand it).
>Who are your audiences?
>Where is the:
>" logical information architecture that is relevant to your several audiences?
>" consistent, clear navigation on every page?
>" consistent use of a well designed (readable) page layout?
>" concise, easy to understand, well written content that is 
>understandable to your audiences?
>Best wishes,
>Joy Bower

Susan Lesch                tel:+1.858.483.4819
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Sunday, 7 September 2003 23:05:03 UTC