Premium ISP for $14.95 or Less

New, Superior ISP Just Released for $14.95.

Have you ever been disconnected from your ISP just as you were in the 
Middle of something that you were interested in just because you hadn't
clicked your mouse for the last few seconds, or been disconnected because
 someone on your mailing list accused you of spam, or waited for an eternity
to get connected?  All of this and you were paying nearly $30.00 to be treated 
this way?

Well, if any of this sounds familiar, then I have some good news for you. 
For $14.98/month or less (depending upon the plan) you can kiss all of this 

I have been fortunate in that I have been involved in the testing of a brand
 new ISP.  This is a superior product in many ways.  It is fast, clean, and
 dependable.  I have tried several providers and find this to be by far the best.

I would like to offer you the chance to be one of the first to sign-up for this
 service now that it has become available to the public. 

There is no obligation.  I am just giving you a connection so that you can see if we have a listing in your area.

Caroline Gainer
PS:  We will also be offering you a chance to market this product within
 a period of two weeks or less.  You will get $1.00-$2.00 for each subscription
 that you sell.  Count it up 13 subscribers and yours is free.

If you wish to discontinue communications please send a blank email to


Received on Friday, 26 July 2002 05:39:01 UTC