Why no figures to illustrate web developments?


I am collecting and structuring my own personal notes on developing
distributed applications using Web technologies. So, I'm interested
in past and future W3C developments. What struck me this morning was
the complete absence of figures. There's a site index, but no map.

Why are there no diagrams showing the relationships between W3C
projects? With, say, arrows between HTML and XHTML, or the various
XML-related initiatives ? That would certainly make it a whole lot
easier to see what's happening ! Or is this left as an exercise to
the reader ? :)


ir A.G.L. Spruit, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Institute of information and computing sciences
"There is a bit of magic in everything, and then some
loss to even things out" (from: Lou Reed, "Magic and Loss")

Received on Wednesday, 27 June 2001 10:42:15 UTC