Question about JSON-LD: @type in expanded term definitions in @context

(First, my apologies: this is probably the wrong list for this question, but I 
couldn't see a more relevant list (e.g. a public comment list) at

I'm working from the 1.0 version of the JSON-LD spec:

My question is this: does the inclusion of a "@type" value in an "expanded term 
definition" [1] in a JSON-LD context automatically mean that the defined term is 
a datatype property URI, and hence that the value of the "@type" key must be a 
datatype URI?


I think the answer is "yes" (it's the usage illustrated for Typed Values [2]), 
but I'm struggling to find anything in the spec that definitively states this is 
the case).



In hindsight, I think the use of the same "@type" keyword for node types and 
value types maybe unfortunate, and what is leading to this uncertainty.  If I'm 
correct in my interpretation, the spec has clearly been misinterpreted by others 
(see below), and may benefit from some clarification in the 1.1 round.

More background on my question is at:


Received on Thursday, 6 June 2019 09:14:37 UTC