Re: HTML entry point for the RDF Namespace?

Hi Ivan,

On 12/17/19 7:06 AM, Ivan Herman wrote:
> The question is: are there applications that (would) have problems, with these settings, when referring to the PROV vocabulary? Or would have problems with the RDF core vocabulary if experienced the same returned values?

the issue seems to be with correctly implementing content negotiation.

The content negotiation on the PROV vocabulary seems to ignore complex Accept headers, e.g., "Accept: application/ld+json,application/n-quads,application/n-triples,application/rdf+xml,application/trig,text/turtle;q=0.95,text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8".

Also, Apache (2.4.38) also seems to have problems to correctly handle complex Accept headers (check with a foo.html and a foo.ttl file and GET foo with Accept headers of increasing complexity).

DBpedia, on the other hand, works nicely.


Received on Thursday, 19 December 2019 16:15:34 UTC