Deadline Extended: CIKM 2019 Workshop on Entity Retrieval (EYRE '19)

As CIKM postponed the notification date, the submission deadline for the co-located EYRE workshop is extended accordingly:
*** TWO DAYS after CIKM notification ***

2nd International Workshop on EntitY REtrieval (EYRE '19)
co-located with CIKM 2019
03 November 2019, Beijing, China

An analysis of real query logs from a commercial search engine shows that the intention of more than half of Web queries is to find a particular entity, or entities of a particular type. This problem of entity retrieval, or more generally, semantic search, has received increasing research attention from both the Information Retrieval (IR) and Semantic Web communities. Beyond the traditional text-based retrieval problem, the recent surge in entity-centered structured data on the Web such as Wikidata enables more powerful entity retrieval solutions, but also brings new challenges. This hybrid of unstructured and structured retrieval has led to diversified research from not only the IR community but also researchers and practitioners in the areas of Database, Semantic Web, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). This workshop series provides a platform where interdisciplinary studies of entity retrieval can be presented, and focused discussions can take place.

We welcome contributions related to any aspect of entity retrieval and semantic search, including theories, algorithms, experiments, and applications. Relevant topics include but are not limited to the following:

Queries and query analysis
- Entity-centered query understanding
- Entity-centered query reformulation
- Entity-centered query suggestion
- Entity-centered query log analysis
Retrieval models and ranking
- Models for entity retrieval
- Entity and fact ranking
- Entity filtering and recommendation
- Indexing entity-centered big data
User behaviour and interfaces (proactive or reactive presentations)
- User models for entity search
- Interactive and personalized entity search
- Entity summarization and information/knowledge cards
- Visualization of entity-centered information
Retrieval at the Web and big data scale
- Entity discovery and crawling
- Entity linking and information extraction
- Entity matching and data integration
- Entity search engines
Entity retrieval and artificial intelligence
- Entity retrieval with knowledge graphs
- Deep learning for entity retrieval
- Natural language processing for entity retrieval
- Entity retrieval for question answering
Domain-specific applications
- Local, mobile, and enterprise entity search
- Social networks in entity search
- Multimedia entity search
- Entity retrieval for domains and applications

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically, in PDF format, using the ACM camera-ready templates; please use sample-sigconf.tex as the template. Submissions are reviewed in a single-blind manner. Papers should be submitted through the EYRE '19 online submission system:

- Full research, empirical-study, industry papers: 6-8 pages
- Short, position, case-study, demo papers: 2-4 pages

The workshop proceedings will be published as a CEUR proceedings volume. At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to attend the workshop and present.

We also organize two shared tasks: entity summarization and entity search. Selected papers will be included in the workshop proceedings.

Important Dates
- Submission: 10 August 2019 (Anywhere on Earth)
- Notification: 26 August 2019
- Camera-ready: 31 August 2019

- Gong Cheng, Nanjing University, China
- Kalpa Gunaratna, Samsung Research America, USA
- Jun Wang, University College London, UK

Received on Wednesday, 7 August 2019 07:20:14 UTC