International Postcode using Meter Cubes -> Earth Cubic Spacetimestamp (ECS)

Hello, I have some ideas to share about an international postcode system
using meter cubes. Each postcode location would be quite small, that is,
the size of a meter cube. Each postcode location would be a meter cube in a
grid of cubes with an edge of 21 million cubes. This would total
9,261,000,000,000,000,000,000 cubes. All cubes would be numbered, using 22
algarisms (21m^3= 22 digits). Please let me know if you are interested and
I will share my blog about it. This would have many applications and
particularly cool with augmented reality, semantic web and new ways of
world mapping for propriety register and real estate.
to 9,999,999,999,999,999,999 could be codes used for moving items, like
telephone numbers, ISBNs, RFIDs or IP addresses. Everyone would get used to
this string codes of 22 algarisms.

Daniel Alexandre, BEng(Hons)
London, UK

Received on Thursday, 8 March 2018 12:35:04 UTC