Re: OWL Reification vs. RDF reification

the differences are to my knowledge purely syntactical... as neither RDF reification nor owl annotation reification have defined semantics:

"OWL 2 allows ontologies, anonymous individuals, and axioms to be annotated; furthermore, annotations themselves can contain additional annotations. All these types of annotations, however, have no semantic meaning in OWL 2 and are ignored in this document."

"The RDF semantic conditions do not place formal constraints on the meaning of much of the RDF vocabulary which is intended for use in describing containers and bounded collections, or the reification vocabulary intended to enable an RDF graph to describe RDF triples."

their *intended* meaning is different though, as it is 
   to make statements about single triples in the RDF case,
   to make statements about axioms (which could - represented in RDF - consist of one or several triples) in the OWL case.

however, note it would be not as intended to e.g. use OWL reification just as a "generalization" of RDF reification 
(to sets of several triples) as not any arbitrary set of triples is necesssarily representing an OWL axiom...


> On 11 Aug 2017, at 08:54, Élie Roux <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've asked a question on Stackoverflow about the difference between OWL reification and RDF reification, but got no answer nor comment:
> In short: in the context of a dataset using owl properties, what is the difference between
> _:b0 a             rdf:Statement ;
>     rdf:subject   bdr:T123 ;
>     rdf:predicate rdfs:seeAlso ;
>     rdf:object    bdr:T1129 ;
>     rdfs:label    "reification 1" .
> and
> _:b2 a                     owl:Axiom ;
>     owl:annotatedSource   bdr:T123 ;
>     owl:annotatedProperty rdfs:seeAlso ;
>     owl:annotatedTarget   bdr:T1129 ;
>     rdfs:label            "reification 3" .
> and how can I know if I should use one or the other?
> Thank you,
> -- 
> Elie

Received on Saturday, 6 January 2018 07:36:29 UTC