Extent of SHACL?

Once again I'm a little late to the party (but still determined to sup).
Got a bit disturbed by Kurt's post [1].

I'm trying to find the point, it's not clear to me. What am I missing?

I like the idea of a validation language, the Jena folks did a great lint+
which was very useful. But is this/that really a constraint language?

Missing an obvious one maybe, the locally closed world, applying
PROLOG-style rules.

I like the idea of throwing a net over a graph, finding the little fishies
that slip out. But does this one actually catch anything?


[1] https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/meet-shacl-next-owl-kurt-cagle/


http://hyperdata.it <http://hyperdata.it/danja>

Received on Wednesday, 15 August 2018 03:44:22 UTC