Naive datasource merge algorithm

Hi all,

AFAIK an algorithm cannot be patented so I'll be disclosing what I think
could be a way for merging different databases with, lets say, records
representing the same entities but in different schemas.

I'll be using SW (RDF Quads) as long some custom made type inference with
sample statement kinds, their roles and constructions over them.

Apologies in advance for the quality of the document (I've wrote it in my
phone and in a short frame of time). I'm really needing knowing if some
parts are OK or some parts are not. Please take time to ask or give

I'll take some time for making it more human-readable but, between lines,
it could be interpreted and understood. Sorry again,

Sebastián Samaruga

Received on Wednesday, 1 November 2017 23:41:09 UTC