[CfP] Question Answering over Linked Data (QALD-7) @ ESWC 2017 - Paper Submission Deadline Extended 17/03

    Call For Papers: QALD 2017 - 7th Question Answering over Linked Data 
    In conjunction with the 14th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 

The key challenge for Question Answering over Linked Data is to
translate a user’s information need into a form such that it can be
evaluated using standard Semantic Web query processing and inferencing

The main task of QALD therefore is the following: Given one or several
RDF dataset(s) as well as additional knowledge sources and natural
language questions or keywords, return the correct answers or a SPARQL
query that retrieves these answers.

This year, the challenge comprises the following tasks:
-Task 1: Multilingual question answering over DBpedia
-Task 2: Hybrid question answering
-Task 3: Large-Scale Question answering over RDF
-Task 4: English question answering over Wikidata

We expect participants to describe their approach over a 5 page paper,
including advantages and disadvantages as well as a first evaluation
of the system with the respective task training data or an in-depth
analysis of errors.

Important Dates

****Paper submission deadline (5 pages document): March 17th, 2017, 
23:59 Hawaii Time***1*
Notification of acceptance: April 7th, 2017
Camera ready papers (5 pages document): April 23rd, 2017
Deadline for submission of system answers/instructions for evaluation: TBA
Release of evaluation results: TBA
Proclamation of winners: During ESWC 2017 closing ceremony

1: Eligible to submit papers are only authors participating in the 


Ricardo Usbeck, University of Leipzig, Germany
Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Institute for Applied Informatics, Germany
Bastian Haarmann, Fraunhofer-Institute IAIS, Germany
Anastasia Krithara, NCSR “Demokritos”, Greece

For the complete list of organizers and program committee members,
please visit the challenge website.

Further Information and Contact

For detailed information, including datasets and submission guidelines,
please visit the challenge website: 
Contact Email: qald-contact@googlegroups.com

Received on Friday, 3 March 2017 13:15:17 UTC