Schema (ontology) for describing database records


hope this is a correct forum to ask for help.

We are using Dublin Core and NEPOMUK schemas to describe files of a 
Windows network drive (document1.docx, image1.jpg...). Metadata is 
stored in a triplestore.

Anyone know if there is a schema to describe the records in the 
triplestore? Or should we model the data in a way that Dublin Core can 
be used to describe both the files and the records containing the 
metadata of the files?

For example:

We are using dcterms:created to describe the date when a text document 
was created. So we we would need a some-schema:created to describe when 
the metadata of that document was stored in the triplestore.


Lingsoft - 30 years of Leading Language Management

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Mikael Pesonen
System Engineer

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Received on Wednesday, 30 August 2017 09:05:43 UTC